ActiveDirectoryApplication |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure AD application.
ActiveDirectoryApplication.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the application definition.
ActiveDirectoryApplication.DefinitionStages.WithAccountType |
The stage of application definition allowing specifying the application account type.
ActiveDirectoryApplication.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
An application definition with sufficient inputs to create a new application in the cloud, but exposing
additional optional inputs to specify.
ActiveDirectoryApplication.DefinitionStages.WithCredential |
The stage of application definition allowing specifying identifier keys.
ActiveDirectoryApplication.DefinitionStages.WithIdentifierUrl |
The stage of application definition allowing specifying identifier URLs.
ActiveDirectoryApplication.DefinitionStages.WithMultiTenant |
ActiveDirectoryApplication.DefinitionStages.WithReplyUrl |
The stage of application definition allowing specifying reply URLs.
ActiveDirectoryApplication.DefinitionStages.WithSignOnUrl |
The stage of application definition allowing specifying the sign on URL.
ActiveDirectoryApplication.Update |
The template for an application update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
ActiveDirectoryApplication.UpdateStages.WithAccountType |
The stage of application update allowing specifying the application account type.
ActiveDirectoryApplication.UpdateStages.WithCredential |
The stage of application update allowing specifying identifier keys.
ActiveDirectoryApplication.UpdateStages.WithIdentifierUrl |
The stage of application update allowing specifying identifier URLs.
ActiveDirectoryApplication.UpdateStages.WithMultiTenant |
ActiveDirectoryApplication.UpdateStages.WithReplyUrl |
The stage of application update allowing specifying reply URLs.
ActiveDirectoryApplication.UpdateStages.WithSignOnUrl |
The stage of application update allowing specifying the sign on URL.
ActiveDirectoryGroup |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure AD group.
ActiveDirectoryGroup.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the AD group definition.
ActiveDirectoryGroup.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
An AD group definition with sufficient inputs to create a new group in the cloud, but exposing additional
optional inputs to specify.
ActiveDirectoryGroup.DefinitionStages.WithEmailAlias |
An AD Group definition allowing mail nickname to be specified.
ActiveDirectoryGroup.DefinitionStages.WithMember |
An AD Group definition allowing members to be added.
ActiveDirectoryGroup.Update |
The template for a group update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
ActiveDirectoryGroup.UpdateStages.WithMember |
An AD Group definition allowing members to be added or removed.
ActiveDirectoryObject |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure AD object.
ActiveDirectoryUser |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure AD user.
ActiveDirectoryUser.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the user definition.
ActiveDirectoryUser.DefinitionStages.WithAccontEnabled |
A user definition allowing specifying whether the account is enabled.
ActiveDirectoryUser.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
An AD user definition with sufficient inputs to create a new user in the cloud, but exposing additional
optional inputs to specify.
ActiveDirectoryUser.DefinitionStages.WithPassword |
A user definition allowing password to be specified.
ActiveDirectoryUser.DefinitionStages.WithPromptToChangePasswordOnLogin |
A user definition allowing setting whether the user should change password on the next login.
ActiveDirectoryUser.DefinitionStages.WithUsageLocation |
A user definition allowing usage location to be specified.
ActiveDirectoryUser.DefinitionStages.WithUserPrincipalName |
A user definition allowing user principal name to be specified.
ActiveDirectoryUser.Update |
The template for a user update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
ActiveDirectoryUser.UpdateStages.WithAccontEnabled |
A user update allowing specifying whether the account is enabled.
ActiveDirectoryUser.UpdateStages.WithPassword |
A user update allowing password to be specified.
ActiveDirectoryUser.UpdateStages.WithPromptToChangePasswordOnLogin |
A user update allowing setting whether the user should change password on the next login.
ActiveDirectoryUser.UpdateStages.WithUsageLocation |
A user update allowing usage location to be specified.
ApplicationAccountType |
Defines values for Application Account Type
BuiltInRole |
Defines values for roles.
CertificateCredential |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure AD credential.
CertificateCredential.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of a credential definition.
CertificateCredential.DefinitionStages.WithAttach |
The final stage of the credential definition.
CertificateCredential.DefinitionStages.WithAuthFile |
A credential definition stage allowing exporting the auth file for the service principal.
CertificateCredential.DefinitionStages.WithAuthFileCertificate |
A credential definition stage allowing specifying the private key for exporting an auth file.
CertificateCredential.DefinitionStages.WithAuthFileCertificatePassword |
A credential definition stage allowing specifying the password for the private key for exporting an auth
CertificateCredential.DefinitionStages.WithCertificateType |
The credential definition stage allowing the certificate type to be set.
CertificateCredential.DefinitionStages.WithDuration |
The credential definition stage allowing the duration of key validity to be set.
CertificateCredential.DefinitionStages.WithPublicKey |
The credential definition stage allowing the public key to be set.
CertificateCredential.DefinitionStages.WithStartDate |
The credential definition stage allowing start date to be set.
CertificateCredential.DefinitionStages.WithSymmetricKey |
The credential definition stage allowing the secret key to be set.
CertificateType |
Defines values for certificate types.
ClassicAdministratorListResult |
ClassicAdministrator list result information.
Credential |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure AD credential.
DenyAssignmentListResult |
Deny assignment list operation result.
DenyAssignmentPermission |
Deny assignment permissions.
ErrorError |
The ErrorError model.
PasswordCredential |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure AD credential.
PasswordCredential.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of a credential definition.
PasswordCredential.DefinitionStages.WithAttach |
The final stage of the credential definition.
PasswordCredential.DefinitionStages.WithAuthFile |
A credential definition stage allowing exporting the auth file for the service principal.
PasswordCredential.DefinitionStages.WithConsumer |
A credential definition stage allowing consuming the credential after creation.
PasswordCredential.DefinitionStages.WithDuration |
The credential definition stage allowing the duration of key validity to be set.
PasswordCredential.DefinitionStages.WithStartDate |
The credential definition stage allowing start date to be set.
PasswordCredential.DefinitionStages.WithSubscriptionInAuthFile |
A credential definition stage allowing the subscription in the auth file to be set.
Permission |
An immutable client-side representation of a permission.
PermissionGetResult |
Permissions information.
Principal |
The name of the entity last modified it.
PrincipalType |
Defines values for PrincipalType.
ProviderOperation |
ProviderOperationsMetadataListResult |
Provider operations metadata list.
ResourceType |
Resource Type.
RoleAssignment |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure AD role assignment.
RoleAssignment.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the role assignment definition.
RoleAssignment.DefinitionStages.WithAssignee |
The stage of role assignment definition allowing specifying the assignee information.
RoleAssignment.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
An role assignment definition with sufficient inputs to create a new role assignment in the cloud, but
exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
RoleAssignment.DefinitionStages.WithRole |
The stage of role assignment definition allowing specifying the role.
RoleAssignment.DefinitionStages.WithScope |
The stage of role assignment definition allowing specifying the scope of the assignment.
RoleAssignmentCreateParameters |
Role assignment create parameters.
RoleAssignmentListResult |
Role assignment list operation result.
RoleDefinition |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure AD role definition.
RoleDefinitionListResult |
Role definition list operation result.
ServicePrincipal |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure AD service principal.
ServicePrincipal.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the service principal definition.
ServicePrincipal.DefinitionStages.WithApplication |
A service principal definition allowing application to be specified.
ServicePrincipal.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
A service principal definition with sufficient inputs to create a new service principal in the cloud, but
exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
ServicePrincipal.DefinitionStages.WithCredential |
A service principal definition allowing credentials to be specified.
ServicePrincipal.DefinitionStages.WithRoleAssignment |
A service principal definition allowing role assignments to be added.
ServicePrincipal.Update |
The template for a service principal update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
ServicePrincipal.UpdateStages.WithCredential |
A service principal update allowing credentials to be specified.
ServicePrincipal.UpdateStages.WithRoleAssignment |
A service principal update allowing role assignments to be added.