MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withAdditionalProperties(Map<String,Object> additionalProperties) |
Set the additionalProperties property: site.
MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withAnalytics(MicrosoftGraphItemAnalytics analytics) |
Set the analytics property: itemAnalytics.
MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withColumns(List<MicrosoftGraphColumnDefinition> columns) |
Set the columns property: The collection of column definitions reusable across lists under this site.
MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withContentTypes(List<MicrosoftGraphContentType> contentTypes) |
Set the contentTypes property: The collection of content types defined for this site.
MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withCreatedBy(MicrosoftGraphIdentitySet createdBy) |
Set the createdBy property: identitySet.
MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withCreatedByUser(MicrosoftGraphUserInner createdByUser) |
Set the createdByUser property: Represents an Azure Active Directory user object.
MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withCreatedDateTime(OffsetDateTime createdDateTime) |
Set the createdDateTime property: Date and time of item creation.
MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withDescription(String description) |
Set the description property: Provides a user-visible description of the item.
MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withDisplayName(String displayName) |
Set the displayName property: The full title for the site.
MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withDrive(MicrosoftGraphDrive drive) |
Set the drive property: drive.
MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withDrives(List<MicrosoftGraphDrive> drives) |
Set the drives property: The collection of drives (document libraries) under this site.
MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withError(MicrosoftGraphPublicError error) |
Set the error property: publicError.
MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withEtag(String etag) |
Set the etag property: ETag for the item.
MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withId(String id) |
Set the id property: Read-only.
MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withItems(List<MicrosoftGraphBaseItemInner> items) |
Set the items property: Used to address any item contained in this site.
MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withLastModifiedBy(MicrosoftGraphIdentitySet lastModifiedBy) |
Set the lastModifiedBy property: identitySet.
MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withLastModifiedByUser(MicrosoftGraphUserInner lastModifiedByUser) |
Set the lastModifiedByUser property: Represents an Azure Active Directory user object.
MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withLastModifiedDateTime(OffsetDateTime lastModifiedDateTime) |
Set the lastModifiedDateTime property: Date and time the item was last modified.
MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withLists(List<MicrosoftGraphList> lists) |
Set the lists property: The collection of lists under this site.
MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withName(String name) |
Set the name property: The name of the item.
MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withOnenote(MicrosoftGraphOnenote onenote) |
Set the onenote property: onenote.
MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withParentReference(MicrosoftGraphItemReference parentReference) |
Set the parentReference property: itemReference.
MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withRoot(Map<String,Object> root) |
Set the root property: root.
MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withSharepointIds(MicrosoftGraphSharepointIds sharepointIds) |
Set the sharepointIds property: sharepointIds.
MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withSiteCollection(MicrosoftGraphSiteCollection siteCollection) |
Set the siteCollection property: siteCollection.
MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withSites(List<MicrosoftGraphSite> sites) |
Set the sites property: The collection of the sub-sites under this site.
MicrosoftGraphSite |
MicrosoftGraphSite.withWebUrl(String webUrl) |
Set the webUrl property: URL that displays the resource in the browser.