MicrosoftGraphPhoto | |
Get the photo property: photo.
MicrosoftGraphPhoto |
MicrosoftGraphPhoto.withAdditionalProperties(Map<String,Object> additionalProperties) |
Set the additionalProperties property: photo.
MicrosoftGraphPhoto |
MicrosoftGraphPhoto.withCameraMake(String cameraMake) |
Set the cameraMake property: Camera manufacturer.
MicrosoftGraphPhoto |
MicrosoftGraphPhoto.withCameraModel(String cameraModel) |
Set the cameraModel property: Camera model.
MicrosoftGraphPhoto |
MicrosoftGraphPhoto.withExposureDenominator(Double exposureDenominator) |
Set the exposureDenominator property: The denominator for the exposure time fraction from the camera.
MicrosoftGraphPhoto |
MicrosoftGraphPhoto.withExposureNumerator(Double exposureNumerator) |
Set the exposureNumerator property: The numerator for the exposure time fraction from the camera.
MicrosoftGraphPhoto |
MicrosoftGraphPhoto.withFNumber(Double fNumber) |
Set the fNumber property: The F-stop value from the camera.
MicrosoftGraphPhoto |
MicrosoftGraphPhoto.withFocalLength(Double focalLength) |
Set the focalLength property: The focal length from the camera.
MicrosoftGraphPhoto |
MicrosoftGraphPhoto.withIso(Integer iso) |
Set the iso property: The ISO value from the camera.
MicrosoftGraphPhoto |
MicrosoftGraphPhoto.withOrientation(Integer orientation) |
Set the orientation property: The orientation value from the camera.
MicrosoftGraphPhoto |
MicrosoftGraphPhoto.withTakenDateTime(OffsetDateTime takenDateTime) |
Set the takenDateTime property: Represents the date and time the photo was taken.