MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withAdditionalProperties(Map<String,Object> additionalProperties) |
Set the additionalProperties property: event.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withAllowNewTimeProposals(Boolean allowNewTimeProposals) |
Set the allowNewTimeProposals property: True if the meeting organizer allows invitees to propose a new time when
responding, false otherwise.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withAttachments(List<MicrosoftGraphAttachment> attachments) |
Set the attachments property: The collection of fileAttachment and itemAttachment attachments for the event.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withAttendees(List<MicrosoftGraphAttendee> attendees) |
Set the attendees property: The collection of attendees for the event.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withBody(MicrosoftGraphItemBody body) |
Set the body property: itemBody.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withBodyPreview(String bodyPreview) |
Set the bodyPreview property: The preview of the message associated with the event.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withCalendar(MicrosoftGraphCalendar calendar) |
Set the calendar property: calendar.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withCategories(List<String> categories) |
Set the categories property: The categories associated with the item.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withChangeKey(String changeKey) |
Set the changeKey property: Identifies the version of the item.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withCreatedDateTime(OffsetDateTime createdDateTime) |
Set the createdDateTime property: The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format
and is always in UTC time.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withEnd(MicrosoftGraphDateTimeZone end) |
Set the end property: dateTimeTimeZone.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withExtensions(List<MicrosoftGraphExtensionInner> extensions) |
Set the extensions property: The collection of open extensions defined for the event.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withHasAttachments(Boolean hasAttachments) |
Set the hasAttachments property: Set to true if the event has attachments.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withHideAttendees(Boolean hideAttendees) |
Set the hideAttendees property: The hideAttendees property.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withICalUId(String iCalUId) |
Set the iCalUId property: A unique identifier for an event across calendars.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withId(String id) |
Set the id property: Read-only.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withImportance(MicrosoftGraphImportance importance) |
Set the importance property: The importance property.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withInstances(List<MicrosoftGraphEvent> instances) |
Set the instances property: The instances of the event.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withIsAllDay(Boolean isAllDay) |
Set the isAllDay property: Set to true if the event lasts all day.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withIsCancelled(Boolean isCancelled) |
Set the isCancelled property: Set to true if the event has been canceled.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withIsDraft(Boolean isDraft) |
Set the isDraft property: The isDraft property.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withIsOnlineMeeting(Boolean isOnlineMeeting) |
Set the isOnlineMeeting property: True if this event has online meeting information, false otherwise.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withIsOrganizer(Boolean isOrganizer) |
Set the isOrganizer property: Set to true if the calendar owner (specified by the owner property of the calendar)
is the organizer of the event (specified by the organizer property of the event).
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withIsReminderOn(Boolean isReminderOn) |
Set the isReminderOn property: Set to true if an alert is set to remind the user of the event.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withLastModifiedDateTime(OffsetDateTime lastModifiedDateTime) |
Set the lastModifiedDateTime property: The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601
format and is always in UTC time.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withLocation(MicrosoftGraphLocation location) |
Set the location property: location.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withLocations(List<MicrosoftGraphLocation> locations) |
Set the locations property: The locations where the event is held or attended from.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withMultiValueExtendedProperties(List<MicrosoftGraphMultiValueLegacyExtendedProperty> multiValueExtendedProperties) |
Set the multiValueExtendedProperties property: The collection of multi-value extended properties defined for the
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withOnlineMeeting(MicrosoftGraphOnlineMeetingInfo onlineMeeting) |
Set the onlineMeeting property: onlineMeetingInfo.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withOnlineMeetingProvider(MicrosoftGraphOnlineMeetingProviderType onlineMeetingProvider) |
Set the onlineMeetingProvider property: The onlineMeetingProvider property.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withOnlineMeetingUrl(String onlineMeetingUrl) |
Set the onlineMeetingUrl property: A URL for an online meeting.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withOrganizer(MicrosoftGraphRecipient organizer) |
Set the organizer property: recipient.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withOriginalEndTimeZone(String originalEndTimeZone) |
Set the originalEndTimeZone property: The end time zone that was set when the event was created.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withOriginalStart(OffsetDateTime originalStart) |
Set the originalStart property: The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and
is always in UTC time.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withOriginalStartTimeZone(String originalStartTimeZone) |
Set the originalStartTimeZone property: The start time zone that was set when the event was created.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withRecurrence(MicrosoftGraphPatternedRecurrence recurrence) |
Set the recurrence property: patternedRecurrence.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withReminderMinutesBeforeStart(Integer reminderMinutesBeforeStart) |
Set the reminderMinutesBeforeStart property: The number of minutes before the event start time that the reminder
alert occurs.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withResponseRequested(Boolean responseRequested) |
Set the responseRequested property: Default is true, which represents the organizer would like an invitee to send
a response to the event.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withResponseStatus(MicrosoftGraphResponseStatus responseStatus) |
Set the responseStatus property: responseStatus.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withSensitivity(MicrosoftGraphSensitivity sensitivity) |
Set the sensitivity property: The sensitivity property.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withSeriesMasterId(String seriesMasterId) |
Set the seriesMasterId property: The ID for the recurring series master item, if this event is part of a
recurring series.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withShowAs(MicrosoftGraphFreeBusyStatus showAs) |
Set the showAs property: The showAs property.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withSingleValueExtendedProperties(List<MicrosoftGraphSingleValueLegacyExtendedProperty> singleValueExtendedProperties) |
Set the singleValueExtendedProperties property: The collection of single-value extended properties defined for
the event.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withStart(MicrosoftGraphDateTimeZone start) |
Set the start property: dateTimeTimeZone.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withSubject(String subject) |
Set the subject property: The text of the event's subject line.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withTransactionId(String transactionId) |
Set the transactionId property: A custom identifier specified by a client app for the server to avoid redundant
POST operations in case of client retries to create the same event.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withType(MicrosoftGraphEventType type) |
Set the type property: The type property.
MicrosoftGraphEvent |
MicrosoftGraphEvent.withWebLink(String webLink) |
Set the webLink property: The URL to open the event in Outlook on the web.Outlook on the web opens the event in
the browser if you are signed in to your mailbox.