MicrosoftGraphConversation |
MicrosoftGraphConversation.withAdditionalProperties(Map<String,Object> additionalProperties) |
Set the additionalProperties property: conversation.
MicrosoftGraphConversation |
MicrosoftGraphConversation.withHasAttachments(Boolean hasAttachments) |
Set the hasAttachments property: Indicates whether any of the posts within this Conversation has at least one
MicrosoftGraphConversation |
MicrosoftGraphConversation.withId(String id) |
Set the id property: Read-only.
MicrosoftGraphConversation |
MicrosoftGraphConversation.withLastDeliveredDateTime(OffsetDateTime lastDeliveredDateTime) |
Set the lastDeliveredDateTime property: The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601
format and is always in UTC time.
MicrosoftGraphConversation |
MicrosoftGraphConversation.withPreview(String preview) |
Set the preview property: A short summary from the body of the latest post in this converstaion.
MicrosoftGraphConversation |
MicrosoftGraphConversation.withThreads(List<MicrosoftGraphConversationThread> threads) |
Set the threads property: A collection of all the conversation threads in the conversation.
MicrosoftGraphConversation |
MicrosoftGraphConversation.withTopic(String topic) |
Set the topic property: The topic of the conversation.
MicrosoftGraphConversation |
MicrosoftGraphConversation.withUniqueSenders(List<String> uniqueSenders) |
Set the uniqueSenders property: All the users that sent a message to this Conversation.