All Classes and Interfaces

The interface for AttestationManagementClient class.
Entry point to AttestationManager.
The Configurable allowing configurations to be set.
An immutable client-side representation of AttestationProvider.
The entirety of the AttestationProvider definition.
The AttestationProvider definition stages.
The first stage of the AttestationProvider definition.
The stage of the AttestationProvider definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the AttestationProvider definition allowing to specify location.
The stage of the AttestationProvider definition allowing to specify properties.
The stage of the AttestationProvider definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the AttestationProvider definition allowing to specify tags.
The template for AttestationProvider update.
The AttestationProvider update stages.
The stage of the AttestationProvider update allowing to specify tags.
Attestation service response message.
An immutable client-side representation of AttestationProviderListResult.
Attestation Providers List.
Resource collection API of AttestationProviders.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in AttestationProvidersClient.
Parameters for creating an attestation provider.
Client supplied parameters used to create a new attestation provider.
Parameters for patching an attestation provider.
Status of attestation service.
The JsonWebKey model.
The JsonWebKeySet model.
An immutable client-side representation of OperationList.
List of supported operations.
Resource collection API of Operations.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in OperationsClient.
Definition object with the name and properties of an operation.
Display object with properties of the operation.
The Private Endpoint resource.
An immutable client-side representation of PrivateEndpointConnection.
The entirety of the PrivateEndpointConnection definition.
The PrivateEndpointConnection definition stages.
The first stage of the PrivateEndpointConnection definition.
The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnection definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnection definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnection definition allowing to specify privateEndpoint.
The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnection definition allowing to specify privateLinkServiceConnectionState.
The Private Endpoint Connection resource.
List of private endpoint connection associated with the specified storage account.
Properties of the PrivateEndpointConnectProperties.
The current provisioning state.
Resource collection API of PrivateEndpointConnections.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.
The private endpoint connection status.
A collection of information about the state of the connection between service consumer and provider.
Status of attestation service.