Class MapTileset


public final class MapTileset extends Object
Metadata for a tileset in the TileJSON format.
  • Constructor Details

    • MapTileset

      public MapTileset()
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Get the name property: A name describing the tileset. The name can contain any legal character. Implementations SHOULD NOT interpret the name as HTML.
      the name value.
    • setName

      public MapTileset setName(String name)
      Set the name property: A name describing the tileset. The name can contain any legal character. Implementations SHOULD NOT interpret the name as HTML.
      name - the name value to set.
      the MapTileset object itself.
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Get the description property: Text description of the tileset. The description can contain any legal character. Implementations SHOULD NOT interpret the description as HTML.
      the description value.
    • setDescription

      public MapTileset setDescription(String description)
      Set the description property: Text description of the tileset. The description can contain any legal character. Implementations SHOULD NOT interpret the description as HTML.
      description - the description value to set.
      the MapTileset object itself.
    • getVersion

      public String getVersion()
      Get the version property: A style version number for the tiles contained within the tileset. When changes across tiles are introduced, the minor version MUST change.
      the version value.
    • setVersion

      public MapTileset setVersion(String version)
      Set the version property: A style version number for the tiles contained within the tileset. When changes across tiles are introduced, the minor version MUST change.
      version - the version value to set.
      the MapTileset object itself.
    • getAttribution

      public String getAttribution()
      Get the attribution property: Copyright attribution to be displayed on the map. Implementations MAY decide to treat this as HTML or literal text. For security reasons, make absolutely sure that this field can't be abused as a vector for XSS or beacon tracking.
      the attribution value.
    • setAttribution

      public MapTileset setAttribution(String attribution)
      Set the attribution property: Copyright attribution to be displayed on the map. Implementations MAY decide to treat this as HTML or literal text. For security reasons, make absolutely sure that this field can't be abused as a vector for XSS or beacon tracking.
      attribution - the attribution value to set.
      the MapTileset object itself.
    • getTemplate

      public String getTemplate()
      Get the template property: A mustache template to be used to format data from grids for interaction.
      the template value.
    • setTemplate

      public MapTileset setTemplate(String template)
      Set the template property: A mustache template to be used to format data from grids for interaction.
      template - the template value to set.
      the MapTileset object itself.
    • getLegend

      public String getLegend()
      Get the legend property: A legend to be displayed with the map. Implementations MAY decide to treat this as HTML or literal text. For security reasons, make absolutely sure that this field can't be abused as a vector for XSS or beacon tracking.
      the legend value.
    • setLegend

      public MapTileset setLegend(String legend)
      Set the legend property: A legend to be displayed with the map. Implementations MAY decide to treat this as HTML or literal text. For security reasons, make absolutely sure that this field can't be abused as a vector for XSS or beacon tracking.
      legend - the legend value to set.
      the MapTileset object itself.
    • getScheme

      public String getScheme()
      Get the scheme property: Default: "xyz". Either "xyz" or "tms". Influences the y direction of the tile coordinates. The global-mercator (aka Spherical Mercator) profile is assumed.
      the scheme value.
    • setScheme

      public MapTileset setScheme(String scheme)
      Set the scheme property: Default: "xyz". Either "xyz" or "tms". Influences the y direction of the tile coordinates. The global-mercator (aka Spherical Mercator) profile is assumed.
      scheme - the scheme value to set.
      the MapTileset object itself.
    • getTiles

      public List<String> getTiles()
      Get the tiles property: An array of tile endpoints. If multiple endpoints are specified, clients may use any combination of endpoints. All endpoints MUST return the same content for the same URL. The array MUST contain at least one endpoint.
      the tiles value.
    • setTiles

      public MapTileset setTiles(List<String> tiles)
      Set the tiles property: An array of tile endpoints. If multiple endpoints are specified, clients may use any combination of endpoints. All endpoints MUST return the same content for the same URL. The array MUST contain at least one endpoint.
      tiles - the tiles value to set.
      the MapTileset object itself.
    • getGrids

      public List<String> getGrids()
      Get the grids property: An array of interactivity endpoints.
      the grids value.
    • setGrids

      public MapTileset setGrids(List<String> grids)
      Set the grids property: An array of interactivity endpoints.
      grids - the grids value to set.
      the MapTileset object itself.
    • getData

      public List<String> getData()
      Get the data property: An array of data files in GeoJSON format.
      the data value.
    • setData

      public MapTileset setData(List<String> data)
      Set the data property: An array of data files in GeoJSON format.
      data - the data value to set.
      the MapTileset object itself.
    • getMinZoom

      public Integer getMinZoom()
      Get the minZoom property: The minimum zoom level.
      the minZoom value.
    • setMinZoom

      public MapTileset setMinZoom(Integer minZoom)
      Set the minZoom property: The minimum zoom level.
      minZoom - the minZoom value to set.
      the MapTileset object itself.
    • getMaxZoom

      public Integer getMaxZoom()
      Get the maxZoom property: The maximum zoom level.
      the maxZoom value.
    • setMaxZoom

      public MapTileset setMaxZoom(Integer maxZoom)
      Set the maxZoom property: The maximum zoom level.
      maxZoom - the maxZoom value to set.
      the MapTileset object itself.
    • getBounds

      public getBounds()
      Bounds must define an area covered by all zoom levels. The bounds are represented in WGS:84 latitude and longitude values in the order left, bottom, right, top. Values may be integers or floating point numbers.
      a GeoBoundingBox representing the bounding box.
    • getCenter

      public getCenter()
      Get the center property: The default location of the tileset in the form [longitutde, latitude, zoom]. The zoom level must be between minzoom and maxzoom. Implementation can use this value to set the default location.
      a GeoPosition representing the center.
    • getTileJson

      public String getTileJson()
      Get the tilejson property: Describes the version of the TileJSON spec that is implemented by this JSON object.
      the tilejson value.
    • setTileJson

      public MapTileset setTileJson(String tilejson)
      Set the tilejson property: Describes the version of the TileJSON spec that is implemented by this JSON object.
      tilejson - TileJson version
      the MapTileset object itself.