All Classes and Interfaces

The base class for credential builders that allow specifying a client ID and tenant ID for an Azure Active Directory.
Represents the account information relating to an authentication request
The exception thrown to indicate that interactive authentication is required.
An AAD credential that acquires a token with an Oauth 2.0 authorization code grant for an AAD application.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a AuthorizationCodeCredential.
Defines fields exposing the well known authority hosts for the Azure Public Cloud and sovereign clouds.
A credential provider that provides token credentials based on Azure CLI command.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a AzureCliCredential.
A credential provider that provides token credentials based on Azure PowerShell command.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a AzurePowerShellCredential.
A token credential provider that can provide a credential from a list of providers.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a ChainedTokenCredential.
Authenticates a service principal with AAD using a client assertion.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a ClientAssertionCredential.
An AAD credential that acquires a token with a client certificate for an AAD application.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a ClientCertificateCredential.
An AAD credential that acquires a token with a client secret for an AAD application.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a ClientSecretCredential.
The base class for all the credential builders.
The exception thrown when a TokenCredential did not attempt to authenticate and retrieve AccessToken, as its prerequisite information or state was not available.
Creates a credential using environment variables or the shared token cache.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a DefaultAzureCredential.
An AAD credential that acquires a token with a device code for an AAD application.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a DeviceCodeCredential.
Response returned from the STS device code endpoint containing information necessary for device code flow.
A credential provider that provides token credentials based on environment variables.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a EnvironmentCredential.
A credential provider that provides token credentials from Azure Tools for IntelliJ plugin credential cache.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a IntelliJCredential.
An AAD credential that acquires a token for an AAD application by prompting the login in the default browser.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a InteractiveBrowserCredential.
The base class for Managed Service Identity token based credentials.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a ManagedIdentityCredential.
An AAD credential that acquires a token with a client secret and user assertion for an AAD application on behalf of a user principal.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a OnBehalfOfCredential.
A credential provider that provides token credentials from the MSAL shared token cache.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a SharedTokenCacheCredential.
Represents the Persistence Token Cache options used to setup the persistent access token cache.
An AAD credential that acquires a token with a username and a password.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a UsernamePasswordCredential.
Enables authentication to Azure Active Directory as the user signed in to Visual Studio Code via the 'Azure Account' extension.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a VisualStudioCodeCredential.