Interface EventProcessorHost.EventProcessorHostBuilder.AuthStep

    • Method Detail

      • useEventHubConnectionString

        EventProcessorHost.EventProcessorHostBuilder.OptionalStep useEventHubConnectionString​(String eventHubConnectionString)
        Azure Portal can provide a connection string with auth information that applies only to one individual Event Hub. In that case, the connection string contains the name of the Event Hub.
        eventHubConnectionString - Event Hub connection string (which contains the name of the Event Hub)
        interface for setting optional values
      • useEventHubConnectionString

        EventProcessorHost.EventProcessorHostBuilder.OptionalStep useEventHubConnectionString​(String eventHubConnectionString,
                                                                                              String eventHubPath)
        Azure Portal can provide a connection string with auth information that applies to the entire namespace instead of an individual Event Hub. Use this overload with such a connection string, which requires you to specify the name of the Event Hub separately.
        eventHubConnectionString - Event Hub connection string (which does not contain the name of the Event Hub)
        eventHubPath - name of the Event Hub
        interface for setting optional values
      • useAADAuthentication

        EventProcessorHost.EventProcessorHostBuilder.AADAuthStep useAADAuthentication​(URI endpoint,
                                                                                      String eventHubPath)
        When using AAD auth, call this method to specify the Event Hub, then add AAD-based auth information in the next step.
        endpoint - URI of the Event Hub namespace
        eventHubPath - name of the Event Hub
        interface for setting AAD auth info