Class CosmosRequestContext


public final class CosmosRequestContext extends Object
Getters for the common request context for operations in CosmosDB.
  • Method Details

    • getCosmosEndToEndLatencyPolicyConfig

      public CosmosEndToEndOperationLatencyPolicyConfig getCosmosEndToEndLatencyPolicyConfig()
      Gets the CosmosEndToEndLatencyPolicyConfig.
      the CosmosEndToEndLatencyPolicyConfig. It could be null if not defined or called on an irrelevant operation.
    • getConsistencyLevel

      public ConsistencyLevel getConsistencyLevel()
      Gets the consistency level.
      the consistency level. It could be null if not defined or called on an irrelevant operation.
    • isContentResponseOnWriteEnabled

      public Boolean isContentResponseOnWriteEnabled()
      Gets the content response on write enabled.
      the content response on write enabled. It could be null if not defined or called on an irrelevant operation.
    • getNonIdempotentWriteRetriesEnabled

      public Boolean getNonIdempotentWriteRetriesEnabled()
      Gets the non idempotent write retries enabled.
      the non idempotent write retries enabled. It could be null if not defined or called on an irrelevant operation.
    • getDedicatedGatewayRequestOptions

      public DedicatedGatewayRequestOptions getDedicatedGatewayRequestOptions()
      Gets the dedicated gateway request options.
      the dedicated gateway request options. It could be null if not defined or called on an irrelevant operation.
    • getExcludedRegions

      public List<String> getExcludedRegions()
      Gets the excluded regions.
      the excluded regions.
    • getThroughputControlGroupName

      public String getThroughputControlGroupName()
      Gets the resource token.
      the resource token.
    • getDiagnosticsThresholds

      public CosmosDiagnosticsThresholds getDiagnosticsThresholds()
      Gets the diagnostics thresholds.
      the diagnostics thresholds. It could be null if not defined or called on an irrelevant operation.
    • isScanInQueryEnabled

      public Boolean isScanInQueryEnabled()
      Gets the scan in query enabled.
      the scan in query enabled. It could be null if not defined or called on an irrelevant operation.
    • getMaxDegreeOfParallelism

      public Integer getMaxDegreeOfParallelism()
      Gets the max degree of parallelism.
      the max degree of parallelism. It could be null if not defined or called on an irrelevant operation.
    • getMaxBufferedItemCount

      public Integer getMaxBufferedItemCount()
      Gets the max buffered item count.
      the max buffered item count. It could be null if not defined or called on an irrelevant operation.
    • getResponseContinuationTokenLimitInKb

      public Integer getResponseContinuationTokenLimitInKb()
      Gets the response continuation token limit in KB.
      the response continuation token limit in KB. It could be null if not defined or called on an irrelevant operation.
    • getMaxItemCount

      public Integer getMaxItemCount()
      Gets the max item count.
      the max item count. It could be null if not defined or called on an irrelevant operation.
    • isQueryMetricsEnabled

      public Boolean isQueryMetricsEnabled()
      Gets the query metrics enabled.
      the query metrics enabled. It could be null if not defined or called on an irrelevant operation.
    • isIndexMetricsEnabled

      public Boolean isIndexMetricsEnabled()
      Gets the index metrics enabled.
      the index metrics enabled. It could be null if not defined or called on an irrelevant operation.
    • getMaxPrefetchPageCount

      public Integer getMaxPrefetchPageCount()
      Gets the query name.
      the query name. It could be null if not defined or called on an irrelevant operation.
    • getQueryNameOrDefault

      public String getQueryNameOrDefault(String defaultQueryName)
      Gets the query name.
      defaultQueryName - the default query name.
      the query name. It could be null if not defined or called on an irrelevant operation.
    • getKeywordIdentifiers

      public Set<String> getKeywordIdentifiers()
      Gets the keyword identifiers.
      the keyword identifiers.