All Classes and Interfaces

The artifact platform's architecture.
Sort options for ordering manifests in a collection.
The artifact's platform, consisting of operating system and architecture.
Manifest attributes details.
Defines values for ArtifactOperatingSystem.
Sort options for ordering tags in a collection.
Tag attributes.
This class provides a client that exposes operations to managing container images and artifacts.
Defines values for ContainerRegistryAudience.
This class provides a client that exposes operations to push and pull images into container registry.
This class provides a client that exposes operations to push and pull images into container registry.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of ContainerRegistryBlobClients and ContainerRegistryBlobAsyncClients, call buildClient and buildAsyncClient respectively to construct an instance of the desired client.
This class provides a client that exposes operations to managing container images and artifacts.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of ContainerRegistryClients and ContainerRegistryAsyncClients, call buildClient and buildAsyncClient respectively to construct an instance of the desired client.
The versions of Azure Container Registry supported by this client library.
This class provides a helper type that contains all the operations for repositories in Azure Container Registry.
This class provides helper methods for operations on a given repository in Azure Container Registry.
Properties of this repository.
The object returned by the downloadBlob operation containing the blob contents and its digest.
The result from downloading an OCI manifest from the registry.
Manifest media type.
Additional information provided through arbitrary metadata.
Docker V2 image layer descriptor including config and layers.
Returns the requested OCI Manifest file.
This class provides a helper type that contains all the operations for artifacts in a given repository.
This class provides a helper type that contains all the operations for artifacts in a given repository.
The result from uploading the blob.
Options for configuring the upload manifest operation.
The result from uploading a manifest.