Azure SDK for Java Reference Documentation

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Azure Communications Rooms Service client library for Java

Azure Communication Rooms is used to operate on rooms.

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Getting started


Include the package

Include direct dependency

If you want to take dependency on a particular version of the library that is not present in the BOM, add the direct dependency to your project as follows.


Authenticate the client

Azure Active Directory Token Authentication

A DefaultAzureCredential object must be passed to the RoomsClientBuilder via the credential() function. Endpoint and httpClient must also be set via the endpoint() and httpClient() functions respectively.

AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET, AZURE_CLIENT_ID and AZURE_TENANT_ID environment variables are needed to create a DefaultAzureCredential object.

Alternatively, you can provide the entire connection string using the connectionString() function instead of providing the endpoint and access key.

public RoomsClient createRoomsClientWithConnectionString() {
    // You can find your connection string from your resource in the Azure Portal
    String connectionString = "https://<resource-name>;<access-key>";

    RoomsClient roomsClient = new RoomsClientBuilder().connectionString(connectionString).buildClient();

    return roomsClient;

Key concepts

There are four operations to interact with the Azure Communication Rooms Service.


Create a new room

Use the createRoom function to create a new Room on Azure Communication Service.

public void createRoomWithValidInput() {
    OffsetDateTime validFrom = OffsetDateTime.of(2021, 8, 1, 5, 30, 20, 10, ZoneOffset.UTC);
    OffsetDateTime validUntil = OffsetDateTime.of(2021, 9, 1, 5, 30, 20, 10, ZoneOffset.UTC);
    List<RoomParticipant> participants = new ArrayList<>();
    // Add two participants
    participants.add(new RoomParticipant().setCommunicationIdentifier(new CommunicationUserIdentifier("<ACS User MRI identity 1>")).setRole(RoleType.ATTENDEE));
    participants.add(new RoomParticipant().setCommunicationIdentifier(new CommunicationUserIdentifier("<ACS User MRI identity 2>")).setRole(RoleType.CONSUMER));

    RoomsClient roomsClient = createRoomsClientWithConnectionString();
    CommunicationRoom roomResult = roomsClient.createRoom(validFrom, validUntil, RoomJoinPolicy.INVITE_ONLY, participants);
    System.out.println("Room Id: " + roomResult.getRoomId());

Create a new open room

Use the createRoom function to create a new Open Room on Azure Communication Service.

public void createOpenRoomWithValidInput() {
    OffsetDateTime validFrom = OffsetDateTime.of(2021, 8, 1, 5, 30, 20, 10, ZoneOffset.UTC);
    OffsetDateTime validUntil = OffsetDateTime.of(2021, 9, 1, 5, 30, 20, 10, ZoneOffset.UTC);

    RoomsClient roomsClient = createRoomsClientWithConnectionString();
    CommunicationRoom roomResult = roomsClient.createRoom(validFrom, validUntil, RoomJoinPolicy.INVITE_ONLY, null);
    System.out.println("Room Id: " + roomResult.getRoomId());

Update an existing room

Use the updateRoom function to create a new Room on Azure Communication Service.

public void updateRoomWithRoomId() {
    OffsetDateTime validFrom = OffsetDateTime.of(2021, 8, 1, 5, 30, 20, 10, ZoneOffset.UTC);
    OffsetDateTime validUntil = OffsetDateTime.of(2021, 9, 1, 5, 30, 20, 10, ZoneOffset.UTC);
    List<RoomParticipant> participants = new ArrayList<>();
    participants.add(new RoomParticipant().setCommunicationIdentifier(new CommunicationUserIdentifier("<ACS User MRI identity 1>")).setRole(RoleType.ATTENDEE));
    participants.add(new RoomParticipant().setCommunicationIdentifier(new CommunicationUserIdentifier("<ACS User MRI identity 2>")).setRole(RoleType.CONSUMER));

    RoomsClient roomsClient = createRoomsClientWithConnectionString();

    try {
        CommunicationRoom roomResult = roomsClient.updateRoom("<Room Id in String>", validFrom, validUntil, null, participants);
        System.out.println("Room Id: " + roomResult.getRoomId());

    } catch (RuntimeException ex) {

Get an existing room

Use the getRoom function to get an existing Room on Azure Communication Service.

public void getRoomWithRoomId() {
    RoomsClient roomsClient = createRoomsClientWithConnectionString();
    try {
        CommunicationRoom roomResult = roomsClient.getRoom("<Room Id in String>");
        System.out.println("Room Id: " + roomResult.getRoomId());
    } catch (RuntimeException ex) {

Delete an existing room

Use the deleteRoomWithResponse function to delete an existing Room on Azure Communication Service.

public void deleteRoomWithRoomId() {
    RoomsClient roomsClient = createRoomsClientWithConnectionString();
    try {
        roomsClient.deleteRoomWithResponse("<Room Id in String>", Context.NONE);
    } catch (RuntimeException ex) {

Add participants an existing room

Use the addParticipants function to add participants to an existing Room on Azure Communication Service.

public void addRoomParticipantsWithRoomId() {
    RoomParticipant user1 = new RoomParticipant().setCommunicationIdentifier(new CommunicationUserIdentifier("8:acs:b6372803-0c35-4ec0-833b-c19b798cef2d_0000000e-3240-55cf-9806-113a0d001dd9")).setRole(RoleType.ATTENDEE);
    RoomParticipant user2 = new RoomParticipant().setCommunicationIdentifier(new CommunicationUserIdentifier("8:acs:b6372803-0c35-4ec0-833b-c19b798cef2d_0000000e-3240-55cf-9806-113a0d001dd7")).setRole(RoleType.PRESENTER);
    RoomParticipant user3 = new RoomParticipant().setCommunicationIdentifier(new CommunicationUserIdentifier("8:acs:b6372803-0c35-4ec0-833b-c19b798cef2d_0000000e-3240-55cf-9806-113a0d001dd5")).setRole(RoleType.CONSUMER);

    List<RoomParticipant> participants = new ArrayList<RoomParticipant>(Arrays.asList(user1, user2, user3));
    RoomsClient roomsClient = createRoomsClientWithConnectionString();

    try {
        ParticipantsCollection roomParticipants =  roomsClient.addParticipants("<Room Id>", participants);
        System.out.println("No. of Participants in Room: " + roomParticipants.getParticipants().size());

    } catch (RuntimeException ex) {

Remove participants an existing room

Use the removeParticipants function to remove participants from an existing Room on Azure Communication Service.

public void removeRoomParticipantsWithRoomId() {
    RoomParticipant user1 = new RoomParticipant().setCommunicationIdentifier(new CommunicationUserIdentifier("8:acs:b6372803-0c35-4ec0-833b-c19b798cef2d_0000000e-3240-55cf-9806-113a0d001dd9")).setRole(RoleType.ATTENDEE);
    RoomParticipant user2 = new RoomParticipant().setCommunicationIdentifier(new CommunicationUserIdentifier("8:acs:b6372803-0c35-4ec0-833b-c19b798cef2d_0000000e-3240-55cf-9806-113a0d001dd7")).setRole(RoleType.PRESENTER);

    List<RoomParticipant> participants = new ArrayList<RoomParticipant>(Arrays.asList(user1, user2));
    RoomsClient roomsClient = createRoomsClientWithConnectionString();

    try {
        ParticipantsCollection roomParticipants =  roomsClient.removeParticipants("<Room Id>", participants);
        System.out.println("Room Id: " + roomParticipants.getParticipants().size());

    } catch (RuntimeException ex) {


  1. If creating a client fails, verify if you have the right connection string.
  2. For room creation failures the communication error should in most case give a brief description of the issue.
  3. For participants update failures, make sure the participants are present in the room using the get participants.

Next steps

  • [Read more about Rooms in Azure Communication Services][next_steps]


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This package contains the classes for AzureCommunicationRoomsService.
Package containing classes for AzureCommunicationRoomService.