Interface Trains

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Trains
    An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in Trains.
    • Method Detail

      • trainVersion

        EnqueueTrainingResponse trainVersion​(UUID appId,
                                             String versionId)
        Sends a training request for a version of a specified LUIS app. This POST request initiates a request asynchronously. To determine whether the training request is successful, submit a GET request to get training status. Note: The application version is not fully trained unless all the models (intents and entities) are trained successfully or are up to date. To verify training success, get the training status at least once after training is complete.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        the EnqueueTrainingResponse object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • trainVersionAsync

        rx.Observable<EnqueueTrainingResponse> trainVersionAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                 String versionId)
        Sends a training request for a version of a specified LUIS app. This POST request initiates a request asynchronously. To determine whether the training request is successful, submit a GET request to get training status. Note: The application version is not fully trained unless all the models (intents and entities) are trained successfully or are up to date. To verify training success, get the training status at least once after training is complete.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        the observable to the EnqueueTrainingResponse object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • getStatus

        List<ModelTrainingInfo> getStatus​(UUID appId,
                                          String versionId)
        Gets the training status of all models (intents and entities) for the specified LUIS app. You must call the train API to train the LUIS app before you call this API to get training status. "appID" specifies the LUIS app ID. "versionId" specifies the version number of the LUIS app. For example, "0.1".
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        the List<ModelTrainingInfo> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • getStatusAsync

        rx.Observable<List<ModelTrainingInfo>> getStatusAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                              String versionId)
        Gets the training status of all models (intents and entities) for the specified LUIS app. You must call the train API to train the LUIS app before you call this API to get training status. "appID" specifies the LUIS app ID. "versionId" specifies the version number of the LUIS app. For example, "0.1".
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        the observable to the List<ModelTrainingInfo> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation