Interface Models

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Models
    An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in Models.
    • Method Detail

      • addIntent

        UUID addIntent​(UUID appId,
                       String versionId,
                       AddIntentOptionalParameter addIntentOptionalParameter)
        Adds an intent to a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        addIntentOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the UUID object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • addIntentAsync

        rx.Observable<UUID> addIntentAsync​(UUID appId,
                                           String versionId,
                                           AddIntentOptionalParameter addIntentOptionalParameter)
        Adds an intent to a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        addIntentOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the UUID object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • listIntents

        List<IntentClassifier> listIntents​(UUID appId,
                                           String versionId,
                                           ListIntentsOptionalParameter listIntentsOptionalParameter)
        Gets information about the intent models in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        listIntentsOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the List<IntentClassifier> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • listIntentsAsync

        rx.Observable<List<IntentClassifier>> listIntentsAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                               String versionId,
                                                               ListIntentsOptionalParameter listIntentsOptionalParameter)
        Gets information about the intent models in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        listIntentsOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the List<IntentClassifier> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • addEntity

        UUID addEntity​(UUID appId,
                       String versionId,
                       EntityModelCreateObject entityModelCreateObject)
        Adds an entity extractor to a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityModelCreateObject - A model object containing the name of the new entity extractor and its children.
        the UUID object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • addEntityAsync

        rx.Observable<UUID> addEntityAsync​(UUID appId,
                                           String versionId,
                                           EntityModelCreateObject entityModelCreateObject)
        Adds an entity extractor to a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityModelCreateObject - A model object containing the name of the new entity extractor and its children.
        the observable to the UUID object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • listEntities

        List<NDepthEntityExtractor> listEntities​(UUID appId,
                                                 String versionId,
                                                 ListEntitiesOptionalParameter listEntitiesOptionalParameter)
        Gets information about all the simple entity models in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        listEntitiesOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the List<NDepthEntityExtractor> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • listEntitiesAsync

        rx.Observable<List<NDepthEntityExtractor>> listEntitiesAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                     String versionId,
                                                                     ListEntitiesOptionalParameter listEntitiesOptionalParameter)
        Gets information about all the simple entity models in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        listEntitiesOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the List<NDepthEntityExtractor> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • listHierarchicalEntities

        List<HierarchicalEntityExtractor> listHierarchicalEntities​(UUID appId,
                                                                   String versionId,
                                                                   ListHierarchicalEntitiesOptionalParameter listHierarchicalEntitiesOptionalParameter)
        Gets information about all the hierarchical entity models in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        listHierarchicalEntitiesOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the List<HierarchicalEntityExtractor> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • listHierarchicalEntitiesAsync

        rx.Observable<List<HierarchicalEntityExtractor>> listHierarchicalEntitiesAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                                       String versionId,
                                                                                       ListHierarchicalEntitiesOptionalParameter listHierarchicalEntitiesOptionalParameter)
        Gets information about all the hierarchical entity models in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        listHierarchicalEntitiesOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the List<HierarchicalEntityExtractor> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • listCompositeEntities

        List<CompositeEntityExtractor> listCompositeEntities​(UUID appId,
                                                             String versionId,
                                                             ListCompositeEntitiesOptionalParameter listCompositeEntitiesOptionalParameter)
        Gets information about all the composite entity models in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        listCompositeEntitiesOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the List<CompositeEntityExtractor> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • listCompositeEntitiesAsync

        rx.Observable<List<CompositeEntityExtractor>> listCompositeEntitiesAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                                 String versionId,
                                                                                 ListCompositeEntitiesOptionalParameter listCompositeEntitiesOptionalParameter)
        Gets information about all the composite entity models in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        listCompositeEntitiesOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the List<CompositeEntityExtractor> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • listClosedLists

        List<ClosedListEntityExtractor> listClosedLists​(UUID appId,
                                                        String versionId,
                                                        ListClosedListsOptionalParameter listClosedListsOptionalParameter)
        Gets information about all the list entity models in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        listClosedListsOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the List<ClosedListEntityExtractor> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • listClosedListsAsync

        rx.Observable<List<ClosedListEntityExtractor>> listClosedListsAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                            String versionId,
                                                                            ListClosedListsOptionalParameter listClosedListsOptionalParameter)
        Gets information about all the list entity models in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        listClosedListsOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the List<ClosedListEntityExtractor> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • addClosedList

        UUID addClosedList​(UUID appId,
                           String versionId,
                           ClosedListModelCreateObject closedListModelCreateObject)
        Adds a list entity model to a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        closedListModelCreateObject - A model containing the name and words for the new list entity extractor.
        the UUID object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • addClosedListAsync

        rx.Observable<UUID> addClosedListAsync​(UUID appId,
                                               String versionId,
                                               ClosedListModelCreateObject closedListModelCreateObject)
        Adds a list entity model to a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        closedListModelCreateObject - A model containing the name and words for the new list entity extractor.
        the observable to the UUID object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • addPrebuilt

        List<PrebuiltEntityExtractor> addPrebuilt​(UUID appId,
                                                  String versionId,
                                                  List<String> prebuiltExtractorNames)
        Adds a list of prebuilt entities to a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        prebuiltExtractorNames - An array of prebuilt entity extractor names.
        the List<PrebuiltEntityExtractor> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • addPrebuiltAsync

        rx.Observable<List<PrebuiltEntityExtractor>> addPrebuiltAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                      String versionId,
                                                                      List<String> prebuiltExtractorNames)
        Adds a list of prebuilt entities to a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        prebuiltExtractorNames - An array of prebuilt entity extractor names.
        the observable to the List<PrebuiltEntityExtractor> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • listPrebuilts

        List<PrebuiltEntityExtractor> listPrebuilts​(UUID appId,
                                                    String versionId,
                                                    ListPrebuiltsOptionalParameter listPrebuiltsOptionalParameter)
        Gets information about all the prebuilt entities in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        listPrebuiltsOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the List<PrebuiltEntityExtractor> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • listPrebuiltsAsync

        rx.Observable<List<PrebuiltEntityExtractor>> listPrebuiltsAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                        String versionId,
                                                                        ListPrebuiltsOptionalParameter listPrebuiltsOptionalParameter)
        Gets information about all the prebuilt entities in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        listPrebuiltsOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the List<PrebuiltEntityExtractor> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • listPrebuiltEntities

        List<AvailablePrebuiltEntityModel> listPrebuiltEntities​(UUID appId,
                                                                String versionId)
        Gets all the available prebuilt entities in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        the List<AvailablePrebuiltEntityModel> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • listPrebuiltEntitiesAsync

        rx.Observable<List<AvailablePrebuiltEntityModel>> listPrebuiltEntitiesAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                                    String versionId)
        Gets all the available prebuilt entities in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        the observable to the List<AvailablePrebuiltEntityModel> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • listModels

        List<ModelInfoResponse> listModels​(UUID appId,
                                           String versionId,
                                           ListModelsOptionalParameter listModelsOptionalParameter)
        Gets information about all the intent and entity models in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        listModelsOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the List<ModelInfoResponse> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • listModelsAsync

        rx.Observable<List<ModelInfoResponse>> listModelsAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                               String versionId,
                                                               ListModelsOptionalParameter listModelsOptionalParameter)
        Gets information about all the intent and entity models in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        listModelsOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the List<ModelInfoResponse> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • examplesMethod

        List<LabelTextObject> examplesMethod​(UUID appId,
                                             String versionId,
                                             String modelId,
                                             ExamplesMethodOptionalParameter examplesMethodOptionalParameter)
        Gets the example utterances for the given intent or entity model in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        modelId - The ID (GUID) of the model.
        examplesMethodOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the List<LabelTextObject> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • examplesMethodAsync

        rx.Observable<List<LabelTextObject>> examplesMethodAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                 String versionId,
                                                                 String modelId,
                                                                 ExamplesMethodOptionalParameter examplesMethodOptionalParameter)
        Gets the example utterances for the given intent or entity model in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        modelId - The ID (GUID) of the model.
        examplesMethodOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the List<LabelTextObject> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • getIntent

        IntentClassifier getIntent​(UUID appId,
                                   String versionId,
                                   UUID intentId)
        Gets information about the intent model in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        intentId - The intent classifier ID.
        the IntentClassifier object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • getIntentAsync

        rx.Observable<IntentClassifier> getIntentAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                       String versionId,
                                                       UUID intentId)
        Gets information about the intent model in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        intentId - The intent classifier ID.
        the observable to the IntentClassifier object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • updateIntent

        OperationStatus updateIntent​(UUID appId,
                                     String versionId,
                                     UUID intentId,
                                     UpdateIntentOptionalParameter updateIntentOptionalParameter)
        Updates the name of an intent in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        intentId - The intent classifier ID.
        updateIntentOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • updateIntentAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> updateIntentAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                         String versionId,
                                                         UUID intentId,
                                                         UpdateIntentOptionalParameter updateIntentOptionalParameter)
        Updates the name of an intent in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        intentId - The intent classifier ID.
        updateIntentOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • deleteIntent

        OperationStatus deleteIntent​(UUID appId,
                                     String versionId,
                                     UUID intentId,
                                     DeleteIntentOptionalParameter deleteIntentOptionalParameter)
        Deletes an intent from a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        intentId - The intent classifier ID.
        deleteIntentOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • deleteIntentAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> deleteIntentAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                         String versionId,
                                                         UUID intentId,
                                                         DeleteIntentOptionalParameter deleteIntentOptionalParameter)
        Deletes an intent from a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        intentId - The intent classifier ID.
        deleteIntentOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • getEntity

        NDepthEntityExtractor getEntity​(UUID appId,
                                        String versionId,
                                        UUID entityId)
        Gets information about an entity model in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity extractor ID.
        the NDepthEntityExtractor object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • getEntityAsync

        rx.Observable<NDepthEntityExtractor> getEntityAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                            String versionId,
                                                            UUID entityId)
        Gets information about an entity model in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity extractor ID.
        the observable to the NDepthEntityExtractor object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • deleteEntity

        OperationStatus deleteEntity​(UUID appId,
                                     String versionId,
                                     UUID entityId)
        Deletes an entity or a child from a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity extractor or the child entity extractor ID.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • deleteEntityAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> deleteEntityAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                         String versionId,
                                                         UUID entityId)
        Deletes an entity or a child from a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity extractor or the child entity extractor ID.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • updateEntityChild

        OperationStatus updateEntityChild​(UUID appId,
                                          String versionId,
                                          UUID entityId,
                                          EntityModelUpdateObject entityModelUpdateObject)
        Updates the name of an entity extractor or the name and instanceOf model of a child entity extractor.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity extractor or the child entity extractor ID.
        entityModelUpdateObject - A model object containing the name new entity extractor or the name and instance of model of a child entity extractor.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • updateEntityChildAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> updateEntityChildAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                              String versionId,
                                                              UUID entityId,
                                                              EntityModelUpdateObject entityModelUpdateObject)
        Updates the name of an entity extractor or the name and instanceOf model of a child entity extractor.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity extractor or the child entity extractor ID.
        entityModelUpdateObject - A model object containing the name new entity extractor or the name and instance of model of a child entity extractor.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • getIntentFeatures

        List<ModelFeatureInformation> getIntentFeatures​(UUID appId,
                                                        String versionId,
                                                        UUID intentId)
        Gets the information of the features used by the intent in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        intentId - The intent classifier ID.
        the List<ModelFeatureInformation> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • getIntentFeaturesAsync

        rx.Observable<List<ModelFeatureInformation>> getIntentFeaturesAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                            String versionId,
                                                                            UUID intentId)
        Gets the information of the features used by the intent in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        intentId - The intent classifier ID.
        the observable to the List<ModelFeatureInformation> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • replaceIntentFeatures

        OperationStatus replaceIntentFeatures​(UUID appId,
                                              String versionId,
                                              UUID intentId,
                                              List<ModelFeatureInformation> featureRelationsUpdateObject)
        Updates the information of the features used by the intent in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        intentId - The intent classifier ID.
        featureRelationsUpdateObject - A list of feature information objects containing the new feature relations.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • replaceIntentFeaturesAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> replaceIntentFeaturesAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                  String versionId,
                                                                  UUID intentId,
                                                                  List<ModelFeatureInformation> featureRelationsUpdateObject)
        Updates the information of the features used by the intent in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        intentId - The intent classifier ID.
        featureRelationsUpdateObject - A list of feature information objects containing the new feature relations.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • deleteIntentFeature

        OperationStatus deleteIntentFeature​(UUID appId,
                                            String versionId,
                                            UUID intentId,
                                            ModelFeatureInformation featureRelationDeleteObject)
        Deletes a relation from the feature relations used by the intent in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        intentId - The intent classifier ID.
        featureRelationDeleteObject - A feature information object containing the feature relation to delete.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • deleteIntentFeatureAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> deleteIntentFeatureAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                String versionId,
                                                                UUID intentId,
                                                                ModelFeatureInformation featureRelationDeleteObject)
        Deletes a relation from the feature relations used by the intent in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        intentId - The intent classifier ID.
        featureRelationDeleteObject - A feature information object containing the feature relation to delete.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • getEntityFeatures

        List<ModelFeatureInformation> getEntityFeatures​(UUID appId,
                                                        String versionId,
                                                        UUID entityId)
        Gets the information of the features used by the entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity extractor ID.
        the List<ModelFeatureInformation> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • getEntityFeaturesAsync

        rx.Observable<List<ModelFeatureInformation>> getEntityFeaturesAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                            String versionId,
                                                                            UUID entityId)
        Gets the information of the features used by the entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity extractor ID.
        the observable to the List<ModelFeatureInformation> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • replaceEntityFeatures

        OperationStatus replaceEntityFeatures​(UUID appId,
                                              String versionId,
                                              UUID entityId,
                                              List<ModelFeatureInformation> featureRelationsUpdateObject)
        Updates the information of the features used by the entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity extractor ID.
        featureRelationsUpdateObject - A list of feature information objects containing the new feature relations.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • replaceEntityFeaturesAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> replaceEntityFeaturesAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                  String versionId,
                                                                  UUID entityId,
                                                                  List<ModelFeatureInformation> featureRelationsUpdateObject)
        Updates the information of the features used by the entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity extractor ID.
        featureRelationsUpdateObject - A list of feature information objects containing the new feature relations.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • deleteEntityFeature

        OperationStatus deleteEntityFeature​(UUID appId,
                                            String versionId,
                                            UUID entityId,
                                            ModelFeatureInformation featureRelationDeleteObject)
        Deletes a relation from the feature relations used by the entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity extractor ID.
        featureRelationDeleteObject - A feature information object containing the feature relation to delete.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • deleteEntityFeatureAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> deleteEntityFeatureAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                String versionId,
                                                                UUID entityId,
                                                                ModelFeatureInformation featureRelationDeleteObject)
        Deletes a relation from the feature relations used by the entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity extractor ID.
        featureRelationDeleteObject - A feature information object containing the feature relation to delete.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • getHierarchicalEntity

        HierarchicalEntityExtractor getHierarchicalEntity​(UUID appId,
                                                          String versionId,
                                                          UUID hEntityId)
        Gets information about a hierarchical entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        hEntityId - The hierarchical entity extractor ID.
        the HierarchicalEntityExtractor object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • getHierarchicalEntityAsync

        rx.Observable<HierarchicalEntityExtractor> getHierarchicalEntityAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                              String versionId,
                                                                              UUID hEntityId)
        Gets information about a hierarchical entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        hEntityId - The hierarchical entity extractor ID.
        the observable to the HierarchicalEntityExtractor object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • updateHierarchicalEntity

        OperationStatus updateHierarchicalEntity​(UUID appId,
                                                 String versionId,
                                                 UUID hEntityId,
                                                 UpdateHierarchicalEntityOptionalParameter updateHierarchicalEntityOptionalParameter)
        Updates the name of a hierarchical entity model in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        hEntityId - The hierarchical entity extractor ID.
        updateHierarchicalEntityOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • updateHierarchicalEntityAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> updateHierarchicalEntityAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                     String versionId,
                                                                     UUID hEntityId,
                                                                     UpdateHierarchicalEntityOptionalParameter updateHierarchicalEntityOptionalParameter)
        Updates the name of a hierarchical entity model in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        hEntityId - The hierarchical entity extractor ID.
        updateHierarchicalEntityOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • deleteHierarchicalEntity

        OperationStatus deleteHierarchicalEntity​(UUID appId,
                                                 String versionId,
                                                 UUID hEntityId)
        Deletes a hierarchical entity from a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        hEntityId - The hierarchical entity extractor ID.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • deleteHierarchicalEntityAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> deleteHierarchicalEntityAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                     String versionId,
                                                                     UUID hEntityId)
        Deletes a hierarchical entity from a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        hEntityId - The hierarchical entity extractor ID.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • getCompositeEntity

        CompositeEntityExtractor getCompositeEntity​(UUID appId,
                                                    String versionId,
                                                    UUID cEntityId)
        Gets information about a composite entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        cEntityId - The composite entity extractor ID.
        the CompositeEntityExtractor object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • getCompositeEntityAsync

        rx.Observable<CompositeEntityExtractor> getCompositeEntityAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                        String versionId,
                                                                        UUID cEntityId)
        Gets information about a composite entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        cEntityId - The composite entity extractor ID.
        the observable to the CompositeEntityExtractor object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • updateCompositeEntity

        OperationStatus updateCompositeEntity​(UUID appId,
                                              String versionId,
                                              UUID cEntityId,
                                              CompositeEntityModel compositeModelUpdateObject)
        Updates a composite entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        cEntityId - The composite entity extractor ID.
        compositeModelUpdateObject - A model object containing the new entity extractor name and children.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • updateCompositeEntityAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> updateCompositeEntityAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                  String versionId,
                                                                  UUID cEntityId,
                                                                  CompositeEntityModel compositeModelUpdateObject)
        Updates a composite entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        cEntityId - The composite entity extractor ID.
        compositeModelUpdateObject - A model object containing the new entity extractor name and children.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • deleteCompositeEntity

        OperationStatus deleteCompositeEntity​(UUID appId,
                                              String versionId,
                                              UUID cEntityId)
        Deletes a composite entity from a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        cEntityId - The composite entity extractor ID.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • deleteCompositeEntityAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> deleteCompositeEntityAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                  String versionId,
                                                                  UUID cEntityId)
        Deletes a composite entity from a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        cEntityId - The composite entity extractor ID.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • getClosedList

        ClosedListEntityExtractor getClosedList​(UUID appId,
                                                String versionId,
                                                UUID clEntityId)
        Gets information about a list entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        clEntityId - The list model ID.
        the ClosedListEntityExtractor object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • getClosedListAsync

        rx.Observable<ClosedListEntityExtractor> getClosedListAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                    String versionId,
                                                                    UUID clEntityId)
        Gets information about a list entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        clEntityId - The list model ID.
        the observable to the ClosedListEntityExtractor object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • updateClosedList

        OperationStatus updateClosedList​(UUID appId,
                                         String versionId,
                                         UUID clEntityId,
                                         ClosedListModelUpdateObject closedListModelUpdateObject)
        Updates the list entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        clEntityId - The list model ID.
        closedListModelUpdateObject - The new list entity name and words list.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • updateClosedListAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> updateClosedListAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                             String versionId,
                                                             UUID clEntityId,
                                                             ClosedListModelUpdateObject closedListModelUpdateObject)
        Updates the list entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        clEntityId - The list model ID.
        closedListModelUpdateObject - The new list entity name and words list.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • patchClosedList

        OperationStatus patchClosedList​(UUID appId,
                                        String versionId,
                                        UUID clEntityId,
                                        PatchClosedListOptionalParameter patchClosedListOptionalParameter)
        Adds a batch of sublists to an existing list entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        clEntityId - The list entity model ID.
        patchClosedListOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • patchClosedListAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> patchClosedListAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                            String versionId,
                                                            UUID clEntityId,
                                                            PatchClosedListOptionalParameter patchClosedListOptionalParameter)
        Adds a batch of sublists to an existing list entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        clEntityId - The list entity model ID.
        patchClosedListOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • deleteClosedList

        OperationStatus deleteClosedList​(UUID appId,
                                         String versionId,
                                         UUID clEntityId)
        Deletes a list entity model from a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        clEntityId - The list entity model ID.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • deleteClosedListAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> deleteClosedListAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                             String versionId,
                                                             UUID clEntityId)
        Deletes a list entity model from a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        clEntityId - The list entity model ID.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • getPrebuilt

        PrebuiltEntityExtractor getPrebuilt​(UUID appId,
                                            String versionId,
                                            UUID prebuiltId)
        Gets information about a prebuilt entity model in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        prebuiltId - The prebuilt entity extractor ID.
        the PrebuiltEntityExtractor object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • getPrebuiltAsync

        rx.Observable<PrebuiltEntityExtractor> getPrebuiltAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                String versionId,
                                                                UUID prebuiltId)
        Gets information about a prebuilt entity model in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        prebuiltId - The prebuilt entity extractor ID.
        the observable to the PrebuiltEntityExtractor object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • deletePrebuilt

        OperationStatus deletePrebuilt​(UUID appId,
                                       String versionId,
                                       UUID prebuiltId)
        Deletes a prebuilt entity extractor from a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        prebuiltId - The prebuilt entity extractor ID.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • deletePrebuiltAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> deletePrebuiltAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                           String versionId,
                                                           UUID prebuiltId)
        Deletes a prebuilt entity extractor from a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        prebuiltId - The prebuilt entity extractor ID.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • deleteSubList

        OperationStatus deleteSubList​(UUID appId,
                                      String versionId,
                                      UUID clEntityId,
                                      long subListId)
        Deletes a sublist of a specific list entity model from a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        clEntityId - The list entity extractor ID.
        subListId - The sublist ID.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • deleteSubListAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> deleteSubListAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                          String versionId,
                                                          UUID clEntityId,
                                                          long subListId)
        Deletes a sublist of a specific list entity model from a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        clEntityId - The list entity extractor ID.
        subListId - The sublist ID.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • updateSubList

        OperationStatus updateSubList​(UUID appId,
                                      String versionId,
                                      UUID clEntityId,
                                      long subListId,
                                      WordListBaseUpdateObject wordListBaseUpdateObject)
        Updates one of the list entity's sublists in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        clEntityId - The list entity extractor ID.
        subListId - The sublist ID.
        wordListBaseUpdateObject - A sublist update object containing the new canonical form and the list of words.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • updateSubListAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> updateSubListAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                          String versionId,
                                                          UUID clEntityId,
                                                          long subListId,
                                                          WordListBaseUpdateObject wordListBaseUpdateObject)
        Updates one of the list entity's sublists in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        clEntityId - The list entity extractor ID.
        subListId - The sublist ID.
        wordListBaseUpdateObject - A sublist update object containing the new canonical form and the list of words.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • listIntentSuggestions

        List<IntentsSuggestionExample> listIntentSuggestions​(UUID appId,
                                                             String versionId,
                                                             UUID intentId,
                                                             ListIntentSuggestionsOptionalParameter listIntentSuggestionsOptionalParameter)
        Suggests example utterances that would improve the accuracy of the intent model in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        intentId - The intent classifier ID.
        listIntentSuggestionsOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the List<IntentsSuggestionExample> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • listIntentSuggestionsAsync

        rx.Observable<List<IntentsSuggestionExample>> listIntentSuggestionsAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                                 String versionId,
                                                                                 UUID intentId,
                                                                                 ListIntentSuggestionsOptionalParameter listIntentSuggestionsOptionalParameter)
        Suggests example utterances that would improve the accuracy of the intent model in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        intentId - The intent classifier ID.
        listIntentSuggestionsOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the List<IntentsSuggestionExample> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • listEntitySuggestions

        List<EntitiesSuggestionExample> listEntitySuggestions​(UUID appId,
                                                              String versionId,
                                                              UUID entityId,
                                                              ListEntitySuggestionsOptionalParameter listEntitySuggestionsOptionalParameter)
        Get suggested example utterances that would improve the accuracy of the entity model in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The target entity extractor model to enhance.
        listEntitySuggestionsOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the List<EntitiesSuggestionExample> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • listEntitySuggestionsAsync

        rx.Observable<List<EntitiesSuggestionExample>> listEntitySuggestionsAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                                  String versionId,
                                                                                  UUID entityId,
                                                                                  ListEntitySuggestionsOptionalParameter listEntitySuggestionsOptionalParameter)
        Get suggested example utterances that would improve the accuracy of the entity model in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The target entity extractor model to enhance.
        listEntitySuggestionsOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the List<EntitiesSuggestionExample> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • addSubList

        long addSubList​(UUID appId,
                        String versionId,
                        UUID clEntityId,
                        WordListObject wordListCreateObject)
        Adds a sublist to an existing list entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        clEntityId - The list entity extractor ID.
        wordListCreateObject - Words list.
        the long object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • addSubListAsync

        rx.Observable<Long> addSubListAsync​(UUID appId,
                                            String versionId,
                                            UUID clEntityId,
                                            WordListObject wordListCreateObject)
        Adds a sublist to an existing list entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        clEntityId - The list entity extractor ID.
        wordListCreateObject - Words list.
        the observable to the long object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • addCustomPrebuiltDomain

        List<UUID> addCustomPrebuiltDomain​(UUID appId,
                                           String versionId,
                                           AddCustomPrebuiltDomainModelsOptionalParameter addCustomPrebuiltDomainOptionalParameter)
        Adds a customizable prebuilt domain along with all of its intent and entity models in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        addCustomPrebuiltDomainOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the List<UUID> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • addCustomPrebuiltDomainAsync

        rx.Observable<List<UUID>> addCustomPrebuiltDomainAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                               String versionId,
                                                               AddCustomPrebuiltDomainModelsOptionalParameter addCustomPrebuiltDomainOptionalParameter)
        Adds a customizable prebuilt domain along with all of its intent and entity models in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        addCustomPrebuiltDomainOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the List<UUID> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • addCustomPrebuiltIntent

        UUID addCustomPrebuiltIntent​(UUID appId,
                                     String versionId,
                                     PrebuiltDomainModelCreateObject prebuiltDomainModelCreateObject)
        Adds a customizable prebuilt intent model to a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        prebuiltDomainModelCreateObject - A model object containing the name of the customizable prebuilt intent and the name of the domain to which this model belongs.
        the UUID object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • addCustomPrebuiltIntentAsync

        rx.Observable<UUID> addCustomPrebuiltIntentAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                         String versionId,
                                                         PrebuiltDomainModelCreateObject prebuiltDomainModelCreateObject)
        Adds a customizable prebuilt intent model to a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        prebuiltDomainModelCreateObject - A model object containing the name of the customizable prebuilt intent and the name of the domain to which this model belongs.
        the observable to the UUID object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • listCustomPrebuiltIntents

        List<IntentClassifier> listCustomPrebuiltIntents​(UUID appId,
                                                         String versionId)
        Gets information about customizable prebuilt intents added to a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        the List<IntentClassifier> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • listCustomPrebuiltIntentsAsync

        rx.Observable<List<IntentClassifier>> listCustomPrebuiltIntentsAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                             String versionId)
        Gets information about customizable prebuilt intents added to a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        the observable to the List<IntentClassifier> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • addCustomPrebuiltEntity

        UUID addCustomPrebuiltEntity​(UUID appId,
                                     String versionId,
                                     PrebuiltDomainModelCreateObject prebuiltDomainModelCreateObject)
        Adds a prebuilt entity model to a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        prebuiltDomainModelCreateObject - A model object containing the name of the prebuilt entity and the name of the domain to which this model belongs.
        the UUID object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • addCustomPrebuiltEntityAsync

        rx.Observable<UUID> addCustomPrebuiltEntityAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                         String versionId,
                                                         PrebuiltDomainModelCreateObject prebuiltDomainModelCreateObject)
        Adds a prebuilt entity model to a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        prebuiltDomainModelCreateObject - A model object containing the name of the prebuilt entity and the name of the domain to which this model belongs.
        the observable to the UUID object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • listCustomPrebuiltEntities

        List<EntityExtractor> listCustomPrebuiltEntities​(UUID appId,
                                                         String versionId)
        Gets all prebuilt entities used in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        the List<EntityExtractor> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • listCustomPrebuiltEntitiesAsync

        rx.Observable<List<EntityExtractor>> listCustomPrebuiltEntitiesAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                             String versionId)
        Gets all prebuilt entities used in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        the observable to the List<EntityExtractor> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • listCustomPrebuiltModels

        List<CustomPrebuiltModel> listCustomPrebuiltModels​(UUID appId,
                                                           String versionId)
        Gets all prebuilt intent and entity model information used in a version of this application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        the List<CustomPrebuiltModel> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • listCustomPrebuiltModelsAsync

        rx.Observable<List<CustomPrebuiltModel>> listCustomPrebuiltModelsAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                               String versionId)
        Gets all prebuilt intent and entity model information used in a version of this application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        the observable to the List<CustomPrebuiltModel> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • deleteCustomPrebuiltDomain

        OperationStatus deleteCustomPrebuiltDomain​(UUID appId,
                                                   String versionId,
                                                   String domainName)
        Deletes a prebuilt domain's models in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        domainName - Domain name.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • deleteCustomPrebuiltDomainAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> deleteCustomPrebuiltDomainAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                       String versionId,
                                                                       String domainName)
        Deletes a prebuilt domain's models in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        domainName - Domain name.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • addEntityChild

        UUID addEntityChild​(UUID appId,
                            String versionId,
                            UUID entityId,
                            ChildEntityModelCreateObject childEntityModelCreateObject)
        Creates a single child in an existing entity model hierarchy in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity extractor ID.
        childEntityModelCreateObject - A model object containing the name of the new child model and its children.
        the UUID object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • addEntityChildAsync

        rx.Observable<UUID> addEntityChildAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                String versionId,
                                                UUID entityId,
                                                ChildEntityModelCreateObject childEntityModelCreateObject)
        Creates a single child in an existing entity model hierarchy in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity extractor ID.
        childEntityModelCreateObject - A model object containing the name of the new child model and its children.
        the observable to the UUID object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • getHierarchicalEntityChild

        HierarchicalChildEntity getHierarchicalEntityChild​(UUID appId,
                                                           String versionId,
                                                           UUID hEntityId,
                                                           UUID hChildId)
        Gets information about the child's model contained in an hierarchical entity child model in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        hEntityId - The hierarchical entity extractor ID.
        hChildId - The hierarchical entity extractor child ID.
        the HierarchicalChildEntity object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • getHierarchicalEntityChildAsync

        rx.Observable<HierarchicalChildEntity> getHierarchicalEntityChildAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                               String versionId,
                                                                               UUID hEntityId,
                                                                               UUID hChildId)
        Gets information about the child's model contained in an hierarchical entity child model in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        hEntityId - The hierarchical entity extractor ID.
        hChildId - The hierarchical entity extractor child ID.
        the observable to the HierarchicalChildEntity object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • updateHierarchicalEntityChild

        OperationStatus updateHierarchicalEntityChild​(UUID appId,
                                                      String versionId,
                                                      UUID hEntityId,
                                                      UUID hChildId,
                                                      UpdateHierarchicalEntityChildOptionalParameter updateHierarchicalEntityChildOptionalParameter)
        Renames a single child in an existing hierarchical entity model in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        hEntityId - The hierarchical entity extractor ID.
        hChildId - The hierarchical entity extractor child ID.
        updateHierarchicalEntityChildOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • updateHierarchicalEntityChildAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> updateHierarchicalEntityChildAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                          String versionId,
                                                                          UUID hEntityId,
                                                                          UUID hChildId,
                                                                          UpdateHierarchicalEntityChildOptionalParameter updateHierarchicalEntityChildOptionalParameter)
        Renames a single child in an existing hierarchical entity model in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        hEntityId - The hierarchical entity extractor ID.
        hChildId - The hierarchical entity extractor child ID.
        updateHierarchicalEntityChildOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • deleteHierarchicalEntityChild

        OperationStatus deleteHierarchicalEntityChild​(UUID appId,
                                                      String versionId,
                                                      UUID hEntityId,
                                                      UUID hChildId)
        Deletes a hierarchical entity extractor child in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        hEntityId - The hierarchical entity extractor ID.
        hChildId - The hierarchical entity extractor child ID.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • deleteHierarchicalEntityChildAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> deleteHierarchicalEntityChildAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                          String versionId,
                                                                          UUID hEntityId,
                                                                          UUID hChildId)
        Deletes a hierarchical entity extractor child in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        hEntityId - The hierarchical entity extractor ID.
        hChildId - The hierarchical entity extractor child ID.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • addCompositeEntityChild

        UUID addCompositeEntityChild​(UUID appId,
                                     String versionId,
                                     UUID cEntityId,
                                     AddCompositeEntityChildOptionalParameter addCompositeEntityChildOptionalParameter)
        Creates a single child in an existing composite entity model in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        cEntityId - The composite entity extractor ID.
        addCompositeEntityChildOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the UUID object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • addCompositeEntityChildAsync

        rx.Observable<UUID> addCompositeEntityChildAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                         String versionId,
                                                         UUID cEntityId,
                                                         AddCompositeEntityChildOptionalParameter addCompositeEntityChildOptionalParameter)
        Creates a single child in an existing composite entity model in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        cEntityId - The composite entity extractor ID.
        addCompositeEntityChildOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the UUID object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • deleteCompositeEntityChild

        OperationStatus deleteCompositeEntityChild​(UUID appId,
                                                   String versionId,
                                                   UUID cEntityId,
                                                   UUID cChildId)
        Deletes a composite entity extractor child from a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        cEntityId - The composite entity extractor ID.
        cChildId - The hierarchical entity extractor child ID.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • deleteCompositeEntityChildAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> deleteCompositeEntityChildAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                       String versionId,
                                                                       UUID cEntityId,
                                                                       UUID cChildId)
        Deletes a composite entity extractor child from a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        cEntityId - The composite entity extractor ID.
        cChildId - The hierarchical entity extractor child ID.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • listRegexEntityInfos

        List<RegexEntityExtractor> listRegexEntityInfos​(UUID appId,
                                                        String versionId,
                                                        ListRegexEntityInfosOptionalParameter listRegexEntityInfosOptionalParameter)
        Gets information about the regular expression entity models in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        listRegexEntityInfosOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the List<RegexEntityExtractor> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • listRegexEntityInfosAsync

        rx.Observable<List<RegexEntityExtractor>> listRegexEntityInfosAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                            String versionId,
                                                                            ListRegexEntityInfosOptionalParameter listRegexEntityInfosOptionalParameter)
        Gets information about the regular expression entity models in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        listRegexEntityInfosOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the List<RegexEntityExtractor> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • createRegexEntityModel

        UUID createRegexEntityModel​(UUID appId,
                                    String versionId,
                                    RegexModelCreateObject regexEntityExtractorCreateObj)
        Adds a regular expression entity model to a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        regexEntityExtractorCreateObj - A model object containing the name and regex pattern for the new regular expression entity extractor.
        the UUID object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • createRegexEntityModelAsync

        rx.Observable<UUID> createRegexEntityModelAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                        String versionId,
                                                        RegexModelCreateObject regexEntityExtractorCreateObj)
        Adds a regular expression entity model to a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        regexEntityExtractorCreateObj - A model object containing the name and regex pattern for the new regular expression entity extractor.
        the observable to the UUID object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • listPatternAnyEntityInfos

        List<PatternAnyEntityExtractor> listPatternAnyEntityInfos​(UUID appId,
                                                                  String versionId,
                                                                  ListPatternAnyEntityInfosOptionalParameter listPatternAnyEntityInfosOptionalParameter)
        Get information about the Pattern.Any entity models in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        listPatternAnyEntityInfosOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the List<PatternAnyEntityExtractor> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • listPatternAnyEntityInfosAsync

        rx.Observable<List<PatternAnyEntityExtractor>> listPatternAnyEntityInfosAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                                      String versionId,
                                                                                      ListPatternAnyEntityInfosOptionalParameter listPatternAnyEntityInfosOptionalParameter)
        Get information about the Pattern.Any entity models in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        listPatternAnyEntityInfosOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the List<PatternAnyEntityExtractor> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • createPatternAnyEntityModel

        UUID createPatternAnyEntityModel​(UUID appId,
                                         String versionId,
                                         PatternAnyModelCreateObject extractorCreateObject)
        Adds a pattern.any entity extractor to a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        extractorCreateObject - A model object containing the name and explicit list for the new Pattern.Any entity extractor.
        the UUID object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • createPatternAnyEntityModelAsync

        rx.Observable<UUID> createPatternAnyEntityModelAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                             String versionId,
                                                             PatternAnyModelCreateObject extractorCreateObject)
        Adds a pattern.any entity extractor to a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        extractorCreateObject - A model object containing the name and explicit list for the new Pattern.Any entity extractor.
        the observable to the UUID object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • listEntityRoles

        List<EntityRole> listEntityRoles​(UUID appId,
                                         String versionId,
                                         UUID entityId)
        Get all roles for an entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - entity Id.
        the List<EntityRole> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • listEntityRolesAsync

        rx.Observable<List<EntityRole>> listEntityRolesAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                             String versionId,
                                                             UUID entityId)
        Get all roles for an entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - entity Id.
        the observable to the List<EntityRole> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • createEntityRole

        UUID createEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                              String versionId,
                              UUID entityId,
                              CreateEntityRoleOptionalParameter createEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Create an entity role in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity model ID.
        createEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the UUID object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • createEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<UUID> createEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                  String versionId,
                                                  UUID entityId,
                                                  CreateEntityRoleOptionalParameter createEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Create an entity role in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity model ID.
        createEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the UUID object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • listPrebuiltEntityRoles

        List<EntityRole> listPrebuiltEntityRoles​(UUID appId,
                                                 String versionId,
                                                 UUID entityId)
        Get a prebuilt entity's roles in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - entity Id.
        the List<EntityRole> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • listPrebuiltEntityRolesAsync

        rx.Observable<List<EntityRole>> listPrebuiltEntityRolesAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                     String versionId,
                                                                     UUID entityId)
        Get a prebuilt entity's roles in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - entity Id.
        the observable to the List<EntityRole> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • createPrebuiltEntityRole

        UUID createPrebuiltEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                      String versionId,
                                      UUID entityId,
                                      CreatePrebuiltEntityRoleOptionalParameter createPrebuiltEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Create a role for a prebuilt entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity model ID.
        createPrebuiltEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the UUID object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • createPrebuiltEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<UUID> createPrebuiltEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                          String versionId,
                                                          UUID entityId,
                                                          CreatePrebuiltEntityRoleOptionalParameter createPrebuiltEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Create a role for a prebuilt entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity model ID.
        createPrebuiltEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the UUID object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • listClosedListEntityRoles

        List<EntityRole> listClosedListEntityRoles​(UUID appId,
                                                   String versionId,
                                                   UUID entityId)
        Get all roles for a list entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - entity Id.
        the List<EntityRole> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • listClosedListEntityRolesAsync

        rx.Observable<List<EntityRole>> listClosedListEntityRolesAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                       String versionId,
                                                                       UUID entityId)
        Get all roles for a list entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - entity Id.
        the observable to the List<EntityRole> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • createClosedListEntityRole

        UUID createClosedListEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                        String versionId,
                                        UUID entityId,
                                        CreateClosedListEntityRoleOptionalParameter createClosedListEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Create a role for a list entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity model ID.
        createClosedListEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the UUID object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • createClosedListEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<UUID> createClosedListEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                            String versionId,
                                                            UUID entityId,
                                                            CreateClosedListEntityRoleOptionalParameter createClosedListEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Create a role for a list entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity model ID.
        createClosedListEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the UUID object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • listRegexEntityRoles

        List<EntityRole> listRegexEntityRoles​(UUID appId,
                                              String versionId,
                                              UUID entityId)
        Get all roles for a regular expression entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - entity Id.
        the List<EntityRole> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • listRegexEntityRolesAsync

        rx.Observable<List<EntityRole>> listRegexEntityRolesAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                  String versionId,
                                                                  UUID entityId)
        Get all roles for a regular expression entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - entity Id.
        the observable to the List<EntityRole> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • createRegexEntityRole

        UUID createRegexEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                   String versionId,
                                   UUID entityId,
                                   CreateRegexEntityRoleOptionalParameter createRegexEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Create a role for an regular expression entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity model ID.
        createRegexEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the UUID object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • createRegexEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<UUID> createRegexEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                       String versionId,
                                                       UUID entityId,
                                                       CreateRegexEntityRoleOptionalParameter createRegexEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Create a role for an regular expression entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity model ID.
        createRegexEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the UUID object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • listCompositeEntityRoles

        List<EntityRole> listCompositeEntityRoles​(UUID appId,
                                                  String versionId,
                                                  UUID cEntityId)
        Get all roles for a composite entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        cEntityId - The composite entity extractor ID.
        the List<EntityRole> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • listCompositeEntityRolesAsync

        rx.Observable<List<EntityRole>> listCompositeEntityRolesAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                      String versionId,
                                                                      UUID cEntityId)
        Get all roles for a composite entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        cEntityId - The composite entity extractor ID.
        the observable to the List<EntityRole> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • createCompositeEntityRole

        UUID createCompositeEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                       String versionId,
                                       UUID cEntityId,
                                       CreateCompositeEntityRoleOptionalParameter createCompositeEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Create a role for a composite entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        cEntityId - The composite entity extractor ID.
        createCompositeEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the UUID object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • createCompositeEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<UUID> createCompositeEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                           String versionId,
                                                           UUID cEntityId,
                                                           CreateCompositeEntityRoleOptionalParameter createCompositeEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Create a role for a composite entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        cEntityId - The composite entity extractor ID.
        createCompositeEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the UUID object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • listPatternAnyEntityRoles

        List<EntityRole> listPatternAnyEntityRoles​(UUID appId,
                                                   String versionId,
                                                   UUID entityId)
        Get all roles for a Pattern.any entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - entity Id.
        the List<EntityRole> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • listPatternAnyEntityRolesAsync

        rx.Observable<List<EntityRole>> listPatternAnyEntityRolesAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                       String versionId,
                                                                       UUID entityId)
        Get all roles for a Pattern.any entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - entity Id.
        the observable to the List<EntityRole> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • createPatternAnyEntityRole

        UUID createPatternAnyEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                        String versionId,
                                        UUID entityId,
                                        CreatePatternAnyEntityRoleOptionalParameter createPatternAnyEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Create a role for an Pattern.any entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity model ID.
        createPatternAnyEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the UUID object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • createPatternAnyEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<UUID> createPatternAnyEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                            String versionId,
                                                            UUID entityId,
                                                            CreatePatternAnyEntityRoleOptionalParameter createPatternAnyEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Create a role for an Pattern.any entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity model ID.
        createPatternAnyEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the UUID object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • listHierarchicalEntityRoles

        List<EntityRole> listHierarchicalEntityRoles​(UUID appId,
                                                     String versionId,
                                                     UUID hEntityId)
        Get all roles for a hierarchical entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        hEntityId - The hierarchical entity extractor ID.
        the List<EntityRole> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • listHierarchicalEntityRolesAsync

        rx.Observable<List<EntityRole>> listHierarchicalEntityRolesAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                         String versionId,
                                                                         UUID hEntityId)
        Get all roles for a hierarchical entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        hEntityId - The hierarchical entity extractor ID.
        the observable to the List<EntityRole> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • createHierarchicalEntityRole

        UUID createHierarchicalEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                          String versionId,
                                          UUID hEntityId,
                                          CreateHierarchicalEntityRoleOptionalParameter createHierarchicalEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Create a role for an hierarchical entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        hEntityId - The hierarchical entity extractor ID.
        createHierarchicalEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the UUID object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • createHierarchicalEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<UUID> createHierarchicalEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                              String versionId,
                                                              UUID hEntityId,
                                                              CreateHierarchicalEntityRoleOptionalParameter createHierarchicalEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Create a role for an hierarchical entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        hEntityId - The hierarchical entity extractor ID.
        createHierarchicalEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the UUID object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • listCustomPrebuiltEntityRoles

        List<EntityRole> listCustomPrebuiltEntityRoles​(UUID appId,
                                                       String versionId,
                                                       UUID entityId)
        Get all roles for a prebuilt entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - entity Id.
        the List<EntityRole> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • listCustomPrebuiltEntityRolesAsync

        rx.Observable<List<EntityRole>> listCustomPrebuiltEntityRolesAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                           String versionId,
                                                                           UUID entityId)
        Get all roles for a prebuilt entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - entity Id.
        the observable to the List<EntityRole> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • createCustomPrebuiltEntityRole

        UUID createCustomPrebuiltEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                            String versionId,
                                            UUID entityId,
                                            CreateCustomPrebuiltEntityRoleOptionalParameter createCustomPrebuiltEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Create a role for a prebuilt entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity model ID.
        createCustomPrebuiltEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the UUID object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • createCustomPrebuiltEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<UUID> createCustomPrebuiltEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                String versionId,
                                                                UUID entityId,
                                                                CreateCustomPrebuiltEntityRoleOptionalParameter createCustomPrebuiltEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Create a role for a prebuilt entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity model ID.
        createCustomPrebuiltEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the UUID object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • getExplicitList

        List<ExplicitListItem> getExplicitList​(UUID appId,
                                               String versionId,
                                               UUID entityId)
        Get the explicit (exception) list of the pattern.any entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The Pattern.Any entity id.
        the List<ExplicitListItem> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • getExplicitListAsync

        rx.Observable<List<ExplicitListItem>> getExplicitListAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                   String versionId,
                                                                   UUID entityId)
        Get the explicit (exception) list of the pattern.any entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The Pattern.Any entity id.
        the observable to the List<ExplicitListItem> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • addExplicitListItem

        int addExplicitListItem​(UUID appId,
                                String versionId,
                                UUID entityId,
                                AddExplicitListItemOptionalParameter addExplicitListItemOptionalParameter)
        Add a new exception to the explicit list for the Pattern.Any entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The Pattern.Any entity extractor ID.
        addExplicitListItemOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the int object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • addExplicitListItemAsync

        rx.Observable<Integer> addExplicitListItemAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                        String versionId,
                                                        UUID entityId,
                                                        AddExplicitListItemOptionalParameter addExplicitListItemOptionalParameter)
        Add a new exception to the explicit list for the Pattern.Any entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The Pattern.Any entity extractor ID.
        addExplicitListItemOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the int object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • getRegexEntityEntityInfo

        RegexEntityExtractor getRegexEntityEntityInfo​(UUID appId,
                                                      String versionId,
                                                      UUID regexEntityId)
        Gets information about a regular expression entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        regexEntityId - The regular expression entity model ID.
        the RegexEntityExtractor object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • getRegexEntityEntityInfoAsync

        rx.Observable<RegexEntityExtractor> getRegexEntityEntityInfoAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                          String versionId,
                                                                          UUID regexEntityId)
        Gets information about a regular expression entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        regexEntityId - The regular expression entity model ID.
        the observable to the RegexEntityExtractor object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • updateRegexEntityModel

        OperationStatus updateRegexEntityModel​(UUID appId,
                                               String versionId,
                                               UUID regexEntityId,
                                               RegexModelUpdateObject regexEntityUpdateObject)
        Updates the regular expression entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        regexEntityId - The regular expression entity extractor ID.
        regexEntityUpdateObject - An object containing the new entity name and regex pattern.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • updateRegexEntityModelAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> updateRegexEntityModelAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                   String versionId,
                                                                   UUID regexEntityId,
                                                                   RegexModelUpdateObject regexEntityUpdateObject)
        Updates the regular expression entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        regexEntityId - The regular expression entity extractor ID.
        regexEntityUpdateObject - An object containing the new entity name and regex pattern.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • deleteRegexEntityModel

        OperationStatus deleteRegexEntityModel​(UUID appId,
                                               String versionId,
                                               UUID regexEntityId)
        Deletes a regular expression entity from a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        regexEntityId - The regular expression entity extractor ID.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • deleteRegexEntityModelAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> deleteRegexEntityModelAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                   String versionId,
                                                                   UUID regexEntityId)
        Deletes a regular expression entity from a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        regexEntityId - The regular expression entity extractor ID.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • getPatternAnyEntityInfo

        PatternAnyEntityExtractor getPatternAnyEntityInfo​(UUID appId,
                                                          String versionId,
                                                          UUID entityId)
        Gets information about the Pattern.Any model in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity extractor ID.
        the PatternAnyEntityExtractor object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • getPatternAnyEntityInfoAsync

        rx.Observable<PatternAnyEntityExtractor> getPatternAnyEntityInfoAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                              String versionId,
                                                                              UUID entityId)
        Gets information about the Pattern.Any model in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity extractor ID.
        the observable to the PatternAnyEntityExtractor object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • updatePatternAnyEntityModel

        OperationStatus updatePatternAnyEntityModel​(UUID appId,
                                                    String versionId,
                                                    UUID entityId,
                                                    PatternAnyModelUpdateObject patternAnyUpdateObject)
        Updates the name and explicit (exception) list of a Pattern.Any entity model in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The Pattern.Any entity extractor ID.
        patternAnyUpdateObject - An object containing the explicit list of the Pattern.Any entity.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • updatePatternAnyEntityModelAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> updatePatternAnyEntityModelAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                        String versionId,
                                                                        UUID entityId,
                                                                        PatternAnyModelUpdateObject patternAnyUpdateObject)
        Updates the name and explicit (exception) list of a Pattern.Any entity model in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The Pattern.Any entity extractor ID.
        patternAnyUpdateObject - An object containing the explicit list of the Pattern.Any entity.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • deletePatternAnyEntityModel

        OperationStatus deletePatternAnyEntityModel​(UUID appId,
                                                    String versionId,
                                                    UUID entityId)
        Deletes a Pattern.Any entity extractor from a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The Pattern.Any entity extractor ID.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • deletePatternAnyEntityModelAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> deletePatternAnyEntityModelAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                        String versionId,
                                                                        UUID entityId)
        Deletes a Pattern.Any entity extractor from a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The Pattern.Any entity extractor ID.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • getEntityRole

        EntityRole getEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                 String versionId,
                                 UUID entityId,
                                 UUID roleId)
        Get one role for a given entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - entity ID.
        roleId - entity role ID.
        the EntityRole object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • getEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<EntityRole> getEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                     String versionId,
                                                     UUID entityId,
                                                     UUID roleId)
        Get one role for a given entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - entity ID.
        roleId - entity role ID.
        the observable to the EntityRole object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • updateEntityRole

        OperationStatus updateEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                         String versionId,
                                         UUID entityId,
                                         UUID roleId,
                                         UpdateEntityRoleOptionalParameter updateEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Update a role for a given entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity ID.
        roleId - The entity role ID.
        updateEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • updateEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> updateEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                             String versionId,
                                                             UUID entityId,
                                                             UUID roleId,
                                                             UpdateEntityRoleOptionalParameter updateEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Update a role for a given entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity ID.
        roleId - The entity role ID.
        updateEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • deleteEntityRole

        OperationStatus deleteEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                         String versionId,
                                         UUID entityId,
                                         UUID roleId)
        Delete an entity role in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity ID.
        roleId - The entity role Id.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • deleteEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> deleteEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                             String versionId,
                                                             UUID entityId,
                                                             UUID roleId)
        Delete an entity role in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity ID.
        roleId - The entity role Id.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • getPrebuiltEntityRole

        EntityRole getPrebuiltEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                         String versionId,
                                         UUID entityId,
                                         UUID roleId)
        Get one role for a given prebuilt entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - entity ID.
        roleId - entity role ID.
        the EntityRole object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • getPrebuiltEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<EntityRole> getPrebuiltEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                             String versionId,
                                                             UUID entityId,
                                                             UUID roleId)
        Get one role for a given prebuilt entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - entity ID.
        roleId - entity role ID.
        the observable to the EntityRole object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • updatePrebuiltEntityRole

        OperationStatus updatePrebuiltEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                                 String versionId,
                                                 UUID entityId,
                                                 UUID roleId,
                                                 UpdatePrebuiltEntityRoleOptionalParameter updatePrebuiltEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Update a role for a given prebuilt entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity ID.
        roleId - The entity role ID.
        updatePrebuiltEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • updatePrebuiltEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> updatePrebuiltEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                     String versionId,
                                                                     UUID entityId,
                                                                     UUID roleId,
                                                                     UpdatePrebuiltEntityRoleOptionalParameter updatePrebuiltEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Update a role for a given prebuilt entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity ID.
        roleId - The entity role ID.
        updatePrebuiltEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • deletePrebuiltEntityRole

        OperationStatus deletePrebuiltEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                                 String versionId,
                                                 UUID entityId,
                                                 UUID roleId)
        Delete a role in a prebuilt entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity ID.
        roleId - The entity role Id.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • deletePrebuiltEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> deletePrebuiltEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                     String versionId,
                                                                     UUID entityId,
                                                                     UUID roleId)
        Delete a role in a prebuilt entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity ID.
        roleId - The entity role Id.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • getClosedListEntityRole

        EntityRole getClosedListEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                           String versionId,
                                           UUID entityId,
                                           UUID roleId)
        Get one role for a given list entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - entity ID.
        roleId - entity role ID.
        the EntityRole object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • getClosedListEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<EntityRole> getClosedListEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                               String versionId,
                                                               UUID entityId,
                                                               UUID roleId)
        Get one role for a given list entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - entity ID.
        roleId - entity role ID.
        the observable to the EntityRole object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • updateClosedListEntityRole

        OperationStatus updateClosedListEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                                   String versionId,
                                                   UUID entityId,
                                                   UUID roleId,
                                                   UpdateClosedListEntityRoleOptionalParameter updateClosedListEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Update a role for a given list entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity ID.
        roleId - The entity role ID.
        updateClosedListEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • updateClosedListEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> updateClosedListEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                       String versionId,
                                                                       UUID entityId,
                                                                       UUID roleId,
                                                                       UpdateClosedListEntityRoleOptionalParameter updateClosedListEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Update a role for a given list entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity ID.
        roleId - The entity role ID.
        updateClosedListEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • deleteClosedListEntityRole

        OperationStatus deleteClosedListEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                                   String versionId,
                                                   UUID entityId,
                                                   UUID roleId)
        Delete a role for a given list entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity ID.
        roleId - The entity role Id.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • deleteClosedListEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> deleteClosedListEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                       String versionId,
                                                                       UUID entityId,
                                                                       UUID roleId)
        Delete a role for a given list entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity ID.
        roleId - The entity role Id.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • getRegexEntityRole

        EntityRole getRegexEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                      String versionId,
                                      UUID entityId,
                                      UUID roleId)
        Get one role for a given regular expression entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - entity ID.
        roleId - entity role ID.
        the EntityRole object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • getRegexEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<EntityRole> getRegexEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                          String versionId,
                                                          UUID entityId,
                                                          UUID roleId)
        Get one role for a given regular expression entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - entity ID.
        roleId - entity role ID.
        the observable to the EntityRole object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • updateRegexEntityRole

        OperationStatus updateRegexEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                              String versionId,
                                              UUID entityId,
                                              UUID roleId,
                                              UpdateRegexEntityRoleOptionalParameter updateRegexEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Update a role for a given regular expression entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity ID.
        roleId - The entity role ID.
        updateRegexEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • updateRegexEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> updateRegexEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                  String versionId,
                                                                  UUID entityId,
                                                                  UUID roleId,
                                                                  UpdateRegexEntityRoleOptionalParameter updateRegexEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Update a role for a given regular expression entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity ID.
        roleId - The entity role ID.
        updateRegexEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • deleteRegexEntityRole

        OperationStatus deleteRegexEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                              String versionId,
                                              UUID entityId,
                                              UUID roleId)
        Delete a role for a given regular expression in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity ID.
        roleId - The entity role Id.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • deleteRegexEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> deleteRegexEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                  String versionId,
                                                                  UUID entityId,
                                                                  UUID roleId)
        Delete a role for a given regular expression in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity ID.
        roleId - The entity role Id.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • getCompositeEntityRole

        EntityRole getCompositeEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                          String versionId,
                                          UUID cEntityId,
                                          UUID roleId)
        Get one role for a given composite entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        cEntityId - The composite entity extractor ID.
        roleId - entity role ID.
        the EntityRole object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • getCompositeEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<EntityRole> getCompositeEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                              String versionId,
                                                              UUID cEntityId,
                                                              UUID roleId)
        Get one role for a given composite entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        cEntityId - The composite entity extractor ID.
        roleId - entity role ID.
        the observable to the EntityRole object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • updateCompositeEntityRole

        OperationStatus updateCompositeEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                                  String versionId,
                                                  UUID cEntityId,
                                                  UUID roleId,
                                                  UpdateCompositeEntityRoleOptionalParameter updateCompositeEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Update a role for a given composite entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        cEntityId - The composite entity extractor ID.
        roleId - The entity role ID.
        updateCompositeEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • updateCompositeEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> updateCompositeEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                      String versionId,
                                                                      UUID cEntityId,
                                                                      UUID roleId,
                                                                      UpdateCompositeEntityRoleOptionalParameter updateCompositeEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Update a role for a given composite entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        cEntityId - The composite entity extractor ID.
        roleId - The entity role ID.
        updateCompositeEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • deleteCompositeEntityRole

        OperationStatus deleteCompositeEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                                  String versionId,
                                                  UUID cEntityId,
                                                  UUID roleId)
        Delete a role for a given composite entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        cEntityId - The composite entity extractor ID.
        roleId - The entity role Id.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • deleteCompositeEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> deleteCompositeEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                      String versionId,
                                                                      UUID cEntityId,
                                                                      UUID roleId)
        Delete a role for a given composite entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        cEntityId - The composite entity extractor ID.
        roleId - The entity role Id.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • getPatternAnyEntityRole

        EntityRole getPatternAnyEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                           String versionId,
                                           UUID entityId,
                                           UUID roleId)
        Get one role for a given Pattern.any entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - entity ID.
        roleId - entity role ID.
        the EntityRole object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • getPatternAnyEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<EntityRole> getPatternAnyEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                               String versionId,
                                                               UUID entityId,
                                                               UUID roleId)
        Get one role for a given Pattern.any entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - entity ID.
        roleId - entity role ID.
        the observable to the EntityRole object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • updatePatternAnyEntityRole

        OperationStatus updatePatternAnyEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                                   String versionId,
                                                   UUID entityId,
                                                   UUID roleId,
                                                   UpdatePatternAnyEntityRoleOptionalParameter updatePatternAnyEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Update a role for a given Pattern.any entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity ID.
        roleId - The entity role ID.
        updatePatternAnyEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • updatePatternAnyEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> updatePatternAnyEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                       String versionId,
                                                                       UUID entityId,
                                                                       UUID roleId,
                                                                       UpdatePatternAnyEntityRoleOptionalParameter updatePatternAnyEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Update a role for a given Pattern.any entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity ID.
        roleId - The entity role ID.
        updatePatternAnyEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • deletePatternAnyEntityRole

        OperationStatus deletePatternAnyEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                                   String versionId,
                                                   UUID entityId,
                                                   UUID roleId)
        Delete a role for a given Pattern.any entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity ID.
        roleId - The entity role Id.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • deletePatternAnyEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> deletePatternAnyEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                       String versionId,
                                                                       UUID entityId,
                                                                       UUID roleId)
        Delete a role for a given Pattern.any entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity ID.
        roleId - The entity role Id.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • getHierarchicalEntityRole

        EntityRole getHierarchicalEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                             String versionId,
                                             UUID hEntityId,
                                             UUID roleId)
        Get one role for a given hierarchical entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        hEntityId - The hierarchical entity extractor ID.
        roleId - entity role ID.
        the EntityRole object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • getHierarchicalEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<EntityRole> getHierarchicalEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                 String versionId,
                                                                 UUID hEntityId,
                                                                 UUID roleId)
        Get one role for a given hierarchical entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        hEntityId - The hierarchical entity extractor ID.
        roleId - entity role ID.
        the observable to the EntityRole object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • updateHierarchicalEntityRole

        OperationStatus updateHierarchicalEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                                     String versionId,
                                                     UUID hEntityId,
                                                     UUID roleId,
                                                     UpdateHierarchicalEntityRoleOptionalParameter updateHierarchicalEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Update a role for a given hierarchical entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        hEntityId - The hierarchical entity extractor ID.
        roleId - The entity role ID.
        updateHierarchicalEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • updateHierarchicalEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> updateHierarchicalEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                         String versionId,
                                                                         UUID hEntityId,
                                                                         UUID roleId,
                                                                         UpdateHierarchicalEntityRoleOptionalParameter updateHierarchicalEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Update a role for a given hierarchical entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        hEntityId - The hierarchical entity extractor ID.
        roleId - The entity role ID.
        updateHierarchicalEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • deleteHierarchicalEntityRole

        OperationStatus deleteHierarchicalEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                                     String versionId,
                                                     UUID hEntityId,
                                                     UUID roleId)
        Delete a role for a given hierarchical role in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        hEntityId - The hierarchical entity extractor ID.
        roleId - The entity role Id.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • deleteHierarchicalEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> deleteHierarchicalEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                         String versionId,
                                                                         UUID hEntityId,
                                                                         UUID roleId)
        Delete a role for a given hierarchical role in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        hEntityId - The hierarchical entity extractor ID.
        roleId - The entity role Id.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • getCustomEntityRole

        EntityRole getCustomEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                       String versionId,
                                       UUID entityId,
                                       UUID roleId)
        Get one role for a given prebuilt entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - entity ID.
        roleId - entity role ID.
        the EntityRole object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • getCustomEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<EntityRole> getCustomEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                           String versionId,
                                                           UUID entityId,
                                                           UUID roleId)
        Get one role for a given prebuilt entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - entity ID.
        roleId - entity role ID.
        the observable to the EntityRole object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • updateCustomPrebuiltEntityRole

        OperationStatus updateCustomPrebuiltEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                                       String versionId,
                                                       UUID entityId,
                                                       UUID roleId,
                                                       UpdateCustomPrebuiltEntityRoleOptionalParameter updateCustomPrebuiltEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Update a role for a given prebuilt entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity ID.
        roleId - The entity role ID.
        updateCustomPrebuiltEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • updateCustomPrebuiltEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> updateCustomPrebuiltEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                           String versionId,
                                                                           UUID entityId,
                                                                           UUID roleId,
                                                                           UpdateCustomPrebuiltEntityRoleOptionalParameter updateCustomPrebuiltEntityRoleOptionalParameter)
        Update a role for a given prebuilt entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity ID.
        roleId - The entity role ID.
        updateCustomPrebuiltEntityRoleOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • deleteCustomEntityRole

        OperationStatus deleteCustomEntityRole​(UUID appId,
                                               String versionId,
                                               UUID entityId,
                                               UUID roleId)
        Delete a role for a given prebuilt entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity ID.
        roleId - The entity role Id.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • deleteCustomEntityRoleAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> deleteCustomEntityRoleAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                   String versionId,
                                                                   UUID entityId,
                                                                   UUID roleId)
        Delete a role for a given prebuilt entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The entity ID.
        roleId - The entity role Id.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • getExplicitListItem

        ExplicitListItem getExplicitListItem​(UUID appId,
                                             String versionId,
                                             UUID entityId,
                                             long itemId)
        Get the explicit (exception) list of the pattern.any entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The Pattern.Any entity Id.
        itemId - The explicit list item Id.
        the ExplicitListItem object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • getExplicitListItemAsync

        rx.Observable<ExplicitListItem> getExplicitListItemAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                 String versionId,
                                                                 UUID entityId,
                                                                 long itemId)
        Get the explicit (exception) list of the pattern.any entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The Pattern.Any entity Id.
        itemId - The explicit list item Id.
        the observable to the ExplicitListItem object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • updateExplicitListItem

        OperationStatus updateExplicitListItem​(UUID appId,
                                               String versionId,
                                               UUID entityId,
                                               long itemId,
                                               UpdateExplicitListItemOptionalParameter updateExplicitListItemOptionalParameter)
        Updates an explicit (exception) list item for a Pattern.Any entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The Pattern.Any entity extractor ID.
        itemId - The explicit list item ID.
        updateExplicitListItemOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • updateExplicitListItemAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> updateExplicitListItemAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                   String versionId,
                                                                   UUID entityId,
                                                                   long itemId,
                                                                   UpdateExplicitListItemOptionalParameter updateExplicitListItemOptionalParameter)
        Updates an explicit (exception) list item for a Pattern.Any entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The Pattern.Any entity extractor ID.
        itemId - The explicit list item ID.
        updateExplicitListItemOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • deleteExplicitListItem

        OperationStatus deleteExplicitListItem​(UUID appId,
                                               String versionId,
                                               UUID entityId,
                                               long itemId)
        Delete an item from the explicit (exception) list for a Pattern.any entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The pattern.any entity id.
        itemId - The explicit list item which will be deleted.
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • deleteExplicitListItemAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> deleteExplicitListItemAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                   String versionId,
                                                                   UUID entityId,
                                                                   long itemId)
        Delete an item from the explicit (exception) list for a Pattern.any entity in a version of the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        versionId - The version ID.
        entityId - The pattern.any entity id.
        itemId - The explicit list item which will be deleted.
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation