Interface AzureAccounts

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface AzureAccounts
    An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in AzureAccounts.
    • Method Detail

      • assignToApp

        OperationStatus assignToApp​(UUID appId,
                                    AssignToAppOptionalParameter assignToAppOptionalParameter)
        apps - Assign a LUIS Azure account to an application. Assigns an Azure account to the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        assignToAppOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • assignToAppAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> assignToAppAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                        AssignToAppOptionalParameter assignToAppOptionalParameter)
        apps - Assign a LUIS Azure account to an application. Assigns an Azure account to the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        assignToAppOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • getAssigned

        List<AzureAccountInfoObject> getAssigned​(UUID appId,
                                                 GetAssignedOptionalParameter getAssignedOptionalParameter)
        apps - Get LUIS Azure accounts assigned to the application. Gets the LUIS Azure accounts assigned to the application for the user using his ARM token.
        appId - The application ID.
        getAssignedOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the List<AzureAccountInfoObject> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • getAssignedAsync

        rx.Observable<List<AzureAccountInfoObject>> getAssignedAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                                     GetAssignedOptionalParameter getAssignedOptionalParameter)
        apps - Get LUIS Azure accounts assigned to the application. Gets the LUIS Azure accounts assigned to the application for the user using his ARM token.
        appId - The application ID.
        getAssignedOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the List<AzureAccountInfoObject> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • removeFromApp

        OperationStatus removeFromApp​(UUID appId,
                                      RemoveFromAppOptionalParameter removeFromAppOptionalParameter)
        apps - Removes an assigned LUIS Azure account from an application. Removes assigned Azure account from the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        removeFromAppOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the OperationStatus object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • removeFromAppAsync

        rx.Observable<OperationStatus> removeFromAppAsync​(UUID appId,
                                                          RemoveFromAppOptionalParameter removeFromAppOptionalParameter)
        apps - Removes an assigned LUIS Azure account from an application. Removes assigned Azure account from the application.
        appId - The application ID.
        removeFromAppOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the OperationStatus object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
      • listUserLUISAccounts

        List<AzureAccountInfoObject> listUserLUISAccounts​(ListUserLUISAccountsOptionalParameter listUserLUISAccountsOptionalParameter)
        user - Get LUIS Azure accounts. Gets the LUIS Azure accounts for the user using his ARM token.
        listUserLUISAccountsOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the List<AzureAccountInfoObject> object if successful.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
        ErrorResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
      • listUserLUISAccountsAsync

        rx.Observable<List<AzureAccountInfoObject>> listUserLUISAccountsAsync​(ListUserLUISAccountsOptionalParameter listUserLUISAccountsOptionalParameter)
        user - Get LUIS Azure accounts. Gets the LUIS Azure accounts for the user using his ARM token.
        listUserLUISAccountsOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API
        the observable to the List<AzureAccountInfoObject> object
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation