Class PipelineRunAsyncClient

  • public final class PipelineRunAsyncClient
    extends Object
    Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ArtifactsClient type.
    • Method Detail

      • queryPipelineRunsByWorkspaceWithResponse

        public Mono<<PipelineRunsQueryResponse>> queryPipelineRunsByWorkspaceWithResponse​(RunFilterParameters filterParameters)
        Query pipeline runs in the workspace based on input filter conditions.
        filterParameters - Parameters to filter the pipeline run.
        a list pipeline runs along with Response on successful completion of Mono.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation.
        CloudErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
      • queryPipelineRunsByWorkspace

        public Mono<PipelineRunsQueryResponse> queryPipelineRunsByWorkspace​(RunFilterParameters filterParameters)
        Query pipeline runs in the workspace based on input filter conditions.
        filterParameters - Parameters to filter the pipeline run.
        a list pipeline runs on successful completion of Mono.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation.
        CloudErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
      • getPipelineRunWithResponse

        public Mono<<PipelineRun>> getPipelineRunWithResponse​(String runId)
        Get a pipeline run by its run ID.
        runId - The pipeline run identifier.
        a pipeline run by its run ID along with Response on successful completion of Mono.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation.
        CloudErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
      • getPipelineRun

        public Mono<PipelineRun> getPipelineRun​(String runId)
        Get a pipeline run by its run ID.
        runId - The pipeline run identifier.
        a pipeline run by its run ID on successful completion of Mono.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation.
        CloudErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
      • queryActivityRunsWithResponse

        public Mono<<ActivityRunsQueryResponse>> queryActivityRunsWithResponse​(String pipelineName,
                                                                                                                String runId,
                                                                                                                RunFilterParameters filterParameters)
        Query activity runs based on input filter conditions.
        pipelineName - The pipeline name.
        runId - The pipeline run identifier.
        filterParameters - Parameters to filter the activity runs.
        a list activity runs along with Response on successful completion of Mono.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation.
        CloudErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
      • queryActivityRuns

        public Mono<ActivityRunsQueryResponse> queryActivityRuns​(String pipelineName,
                                                                 String runId,
                                                                 RunFilterParameters filterParameters)
        Query activity runs based on input filter conditions.
        pipelineName - The pipeline name.
        runId - The pipeline run identifier.
        filterParameters - Parameters to filter the activity runs.
        a list activity runs on successful completion of Mono.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation.
        CloudErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
      • cancelPipelineRunWithResponse

        public Mono<<Void>> cancelPipelineRunWithResponse​(String runId,
                                                                                           Boolean isRecursive)
        Cancel a pipeline run by its run ID.
        runId - The pipeline run identifier.
        isRecursive - If true, cancel all the Child pipelines that are triggered by the current pipeline.
        the Response on successful completion of Mono.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation.
        CloudErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
      • cancelPipelineRun

        public Mono<Void> cancelPipelineRun​(String runId,
                                            Boolean isRecursive)
        Cancel a pipeline run by its run ID.
        runId - The pipeline run identifier.
        isRecursive - If true, cancel all the Child pipelines that are triggered by the current pipeline.
        A Mono that completes when a successful response is received.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation.
        CloudErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
      • cancelPipelineRun

        public Mono<Void> cancelPipelineRun​(String runId)
        Cancel a pipeline run by its run ID.
        runId - The pipeline run identifier.
        A Mono that completes when a successful response is received.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation.
        CloudErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
        RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.