All Classes and Interfaces

An object representing a single summary with context for given document.
Configurations that allow callers to specify details about how to execute an abstractive summarization action in a set of documents.
A collection model that contains a list of AbstractSummaryResult along with model version and batch's statistics.
Represents the Age entity resolution model.
Defines values for AgeUnit.
An implementation of ContinuablePagedFluxCore that uses default PagedResponse.
This class provides utility to iterate over PagedResponse using Stream and Iterable interfaces.
Configurations that allow callers to specify details about how to execute an healthcare analysis action in a set of documents.
An implementation of ContinuablePagedFluxCore that uses default PagedResponse.
This class provides utility to iterate over PagedResponse using Stream and Iterable interfaces.
Configurations that allow callers to specify details about how to execute an sentiment analysis action in a set of documents.
A collection model that contains a list of AnalyzeSentimentResult along with model version and batch's statistics.
Represents the area entity resolution model.
Defines values for AreaUnit.
Base class for all resolution types
A resolution for boolean expressions.
The document classification result which contains the classified category and the confidence score on it.
Defines values for ClassificationType.
An implementation of ContinuablePagedFluxCore that uses default PagedResponse.
This class provides utility to iterate over PagedResponse using Stream and Iterable interfaces.
A collection model that contains a list of ClassifyDocumentResult along with project name, deployment name and batch's statistics.
Represents the currency entity resolution model.
A resolution for datetime entity instances.
Defines values for DateTimeSubKind.
The DetectedLanguage model.
A collection model that contains a list of DetectLanguageResult along with model version and batch's statistics.
The DocumentSentiment model that contains sentiment label of a document, confidence score of the sentiment label, and a list of SentenceSentiment.
A collection model that contains a list of ClassifyDocumentResult along with model version and batch's statistics.
Gets the entity category inferred by the text analytics service's named entity recognition model.
The EntityCertainty model.
The EntityDataSource model.
Configurations that allow callers to specify details about how to execute a key phrases extraction action in a set of documents.
A collection model that contains a list of ExtractKeyPhraseResult along with model version and batch's statistics.
Configurations that allow callers to specify details about how to execute an extractive summarization action in a set of documents.
A collection model that contains a list of ExtractSummaryResult along with model version and batch's statistics.
Defines values for FhirVersion.
Defines values for HealthcareDocumentType.
The HealthcareEntity model.
Gets the healthcare entity category inferred by the text analytics service's healthcare entity recognition model.
The HealthcareEntityRelation Every relation is an entity graph of a certain relationType, where all entities are connected and have specific roles within the relation context.
Defines values for HealthcareEntityRelationType.
Represents the information (data) entity resolution model.
Defines values for InformationUnit.
Represents the length entity resolution model.
Defines values for LengthUnit.
The LinkedEntity model.
Configurations that allow callers to specify details about how to execute a multi-label classification action in a set of documents.
The MultiLabelClassifyActionResult is the result for multi-label classification action analysis.
Defines values for NumberKind.
A resolution for numeric entity instances.
represents the resolution of numeric intervals.
A resolution for ordinal numbers entity instances.
The PiiEntity model.
Gets the PII entity category inferred by the text analytics service's PII entity recognition model.
Defines values for PiiEntityDomain.
Defines values for RangeKind.
Configurations that allow callers to specify details about how to execute a custom entities recognition action in a set of documents.
An implementation of ContinuablePagedFluxCore that uses default PagedResponse.
This class provides utility to iterate over PagedResponse using Stream and Iterable interfaces.
A collection model that contains a list of RecognizeEntitiesResult along with project name, deployment name and batch's statistics.
Configurations that allow callers to specify details about how to execute an entities recognition action in a set of documents.
A collection model that contains a list of RecognizeEntitiesResult along with model version and batch's statistics.
Configurations that allow callers to specify details about how to execute a linked entities recognition action in a set of documents.
A collection model that contains a list of RecognizeLinkedEntitiesResult along with model version and batch's statistics.
Configurations that allow callers to specify details about how to execute a Personally Identifiable Information(PII) entities recognition action in a set of documents.
A collection model that contains a list of RecognizePiiEntitiesResult along with model version and batch's statistics.
Defines values for RelativeTo.
Defines values for ResolutionKind.
Defines values for ScriptKind.
The SentenceOpinion model.
The SentenceSentiment model that contains a sentiment label of a sentence, confidence scores of the sentiment label, sentence opinions, and offset of sentence within a document.
Configurations that allow callers to specify details about how to execute a single-label classification action in a set of documents.
Represents the speed entity resolution model.
Defines values for SpeedUnit.
The SummarySentence model.
Defines values for SummarySentencesOrder.
The TargetSentiment model.
Represents the temperature entity resolution model.
Defines values for TemperatureUnit.
Defines values for TemporalModifier.
represents the resolution of a date and/or time span.
This class provides an asynchronous client that contains all the operations that apply to Azure Text Analytics.
This class provides a synchronous client that contains all the operations that apply to Azure Text Analytics.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help instantiation of TextAnalyticsClients and TextAnalyticsAsyncClients, call TextAnalyticsClientBuilder.buildClient() buildClient} and buildAsyncClient respectively to construct an instance of the desired client.
Defines values for TextAnalyticsErrorCode.
General exception for Text Analytics related failures.
The versions of Azure Text Analytics supported by this client library.
If TextAnalyticsRequestOptions.isIncludeStatistics() is set to true this class will will contain information about the request payload.
Contains an input document to be analyzed by the service.
If TextAnalyticsRequestOptions.isIncludeStatistics() is set to true this class will will contain information about the document payload.
Defines values for TextSentiment.
Represents the volume entity resolution model.
Defines values for VolumeUnit.
Defines values for WarningCode.
Represents the weight entity resolution model.
Defines values for WeightUnit.