All Classes and Interfaces

Address field value.
Batch document analysis parameters.
Operation detail for a document in a batch analysis.
Batch document analysis result.
Status and result of the analyze batch operation.
Document analysis parameters.
Additional output to generate during analysis.
Document analysis result.
Status and result of the analyze operation.
Request body to authorize document classifier copy.
Request body to authorize document model copy.
Azure Blob Storage content.
File list in Azure Blob Storage.
Bounding polygon on a specific page of the input.
Request body to build a new custom document classifier.
Request body to build a new custom document model.
Authorization to copy a document classifier to the specified target resource and classifierId.
Classifier document type info.
Document classification parameters.
A component of a composed document model.
Request body to create a composed document model from component document models.
Format of the content in analyzed result.
Type of content source.
Authorization to copy a document model to the specified target resource and modelId.
Currency field value.
Details regarding custom document models.
An object describing the location and semantic content of a document.
Document analysis features to enable.
A barcode object.
Barcode kind.
Custom document model build mode.
A caption object describing a table or figure.
Get Operation response object.
Get Operation response object.
Document classifier info.
An object representing the content and location of a field value.
Description of the field semantic schema using a JSON Schema style syntax.
Semantic data type of the field value.
An object representing a figure in the document.
A footnote object describing a table or figure.
A formula object.
Formula kind.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous DocumentIntelligenceAdministrationClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous DocumentIntelligenceAdministrationClient type.
A builder for creating a new instance of the DocumentIntelligenceAdministrationClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous DocumentIntelligenceClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous DocumentIntelligenceClient type.
A builder for creating a new instance of the DocumentIntelligenceClient type.
Service version of DocumentIntelligenceClient.
An object representing the field key or value in a key-value pair.
An object representing a form field with distinct field label (key) and field value (may be empty).
An object representing the detected language for a given text span.
A content line object consisting of an adjacent sequence of content elements, such as words and selection marks.
An object representing a list in the document.
An object representing a list item in the document.
Get Operation response object.
Get Operation response object.
Get Operation response object.
Document model info.
Content and layout elements extracted from a page from the input.
A paragraph object consisting with contiguous lines generally with common alignment and spacing.
An object representing a section in the document.
A selection mark object representing check boxes, radio buttons, and other elements indicating a selection.
State of the selection mark.
Presence of signature.
Contiguous region of the concatenated content property, specified as an offset and length.
An object representing observed text styles.
A table object consisting table cells arranged in a rectangular layout.
An object representing the location and content of a table cell.
Table cell kind.
Document type info.
A word object consisting of a contiguous sequence of characters.
The error object.
Font style.
Font weight.
An object containing more specific information about the error.
The unit used by the width, height, and polygon properties.
Operation info.
Type of operation.
Operation status.
Semantic role of the paragraph.
Quota used, limit, and next reset date/time.
General information regarding the current resource.
Document splitting mode.
Method used to compute string offset and length.
The error object.