All Classes and Interfaces

Defines values for AlignMode.
An optional field, indicating the manner to align multiple variables.
Response of getting a model.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous AnomalyDetectorClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous AnomalyDetectorClient type.
A builder for creating a new instance of the AnomalyDetectorClient type.
Service version of AnomalyDetectorClient.
Interpretation of the anomalous timestamp.
Anomaly status and information.
Detailed information of the anomalous timestamp.
Correlation changes among the anomalous variables.
Defines values for DataSchema.
Diagnostics information to help inspect the states of model or variable.
ErrorResponse contains code and message that shows the error information.
Defines values for FillNAMethod.
Defines values for ImputeMode.
Training result of a model including its status, errors and diagnostics information.
Model status.
Defines values for ModelStatus.
Detection request for batch inference.
Multivariate anomaly detection status.
Defines values for MultivariateBatchDetectionStatus.
Detection results for the given resultId.
Request of last detection.
Results of last detection.
Defines values for TimeGranularity.
The definition of input timeseries points.
The request of change point detection.
The response of change point detection.
The request of entire or last anomaly detection.
The response of entire anomaly detection.
The response of last anomaly detection.
Variable Status.
Variable values.