Azure App Configuration client library for .NET
Azure App Configuration is a managed service that helps developers centralize their application and feature settings simply and securely.
Use the client library for App Configuration to:
- Create and manage centrally stored application configuration settings
- Retrieve configuration settings from a specific point in time
Source code | Package (NuGet) | API reference documentation | Product documentation | Samples
Getting started
Install the package
Install the Azure App Configuration client library for .NET with NuGet:
Install-Package Azure.Data.AppConfiguration
- An Azure subscription.
- An existing Configuration Store.
If you need to create a Configuration Store, you can use the Azure Portal or Azure CLI.
You can use the Azure CLI to create the Configuration Store with the following command:
az appconfig create --name <config-store-name> --resource-group <resource-group-name> --location eastus
Authenticate the client
In order to interact with the App Configuration service, you'll need to create an instance of the Configuration Client class. To make this possible, you'll need the connection string of the Configuration Store.
Get credentials
Use the Azure CLI snippet below to get the connection string from the Configuration Store.
az appconfig credential list --name <config-store-name>
Alternatively, get the connection string from the Azure Portal.
Create ConfigurationClient
Once you have the value of the connection string, you can create the ConfigurationClient:
string connectionString = "<connection_string>";
var client = new ConfigurationClient(connectionString);
Create ConfigurationClient with Azure Active Directory Credential
Client subscription key authentication is used in most of the examples in this getting started guide, but you can also authenticate with Azure Active Directory using the Azure Identity library. To use the DefaultAzureCredential provider shown below, or other credential providers provided with the Azure SDK, please install the Azure.Identity package:
Install-Package Azure.Identity
You will also need to register a new AAD application and grant access to Configuration Store by assigning the "App Configuration Data Reader"
or "App Configuration Data Owner"
role to your service principal.
Set the values of the client ID, tenant ID, and client secret of the AAD application as environment variables: AZURE_CLIENT_ID, AZURE_TENANT_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET.
string endpoint = "<endpoint>";
var client = new ConfigurationClient(new Uri(endpoint), new DefaultAzureCredential());
Key concepts
Configuration Setting
A Configuration Setting is the fundamental resource within a Configuration Store. In its simplest form, it is a key and a value. However, there are additional properties such as the modifiable content type and tags fields that allow the value to be interpreted or associated in different ways.
The Label property of a Configuration Setting provides a way to separate Configuration Settings into different dimensions. These dimensions are user defined and can take any form. Some common examples of dimensions to use for a label include regions, semantic versions, or environments. Many applications have a required set of configuration keys that have varying values as the application exists across different dimensions.
For example, MaxRequests may be 100 in "NorthAmerica" and 200 in "WestEurope". By creating a Configuration Setting named MaxRequests with a label of "NorthAmerica" and another, only with a different value, with a "WestEurope" label, an application can seamlessly retrieve Configuration Settings as it runs in these two dimensions.
Thread safety
We guarantee that all client instance methods are thread-safe and independent of each other (guideline). This ensures that the recommendation of reusing client instances is always safe, even across threads.
Additional concepts
Client options | Accessing the response | Long-running operations | Handling failures | Diagnostics | Mocking | Client lifetime
The following sections provide several code snippets covering some of the most common Configuration Service tasks. Note that there are sync and async methods available for both.
- Create a Configuration Setting
- Retrieve a Configuration Setting
- Update an existing Configuration Setting
- Delete a Configuration Setting
Create a Configuration Setting
Create a Configuration Setting to be stored in the Configuration Store. There are two ways to store a Configuration Setting:
- AddConfigurationSetting creates a setting only if the setting does not already exist in the store.
- SetConfigurationSetting creates a setting if it doesn't exist or overrides an existing setting.
string connectionString = "<connection_string>";
var client = new ConfigurationClient(connectionString);
var settingToCreate = new ConfigurationSetting("some_key", "some_value");
ConfigurationSetting setting = client.SetConfigurationSetting(settingToCreate);
Retrieve a Configuration Setting
Retrieve a previously stored Configuration Setting by calling GetConfigurationSetting. This snippet assumes the setting "some_key" exists in the configuration store.
string connectionString = "<connection_string>";
var client = new ConfigurationClient(connectionString);
ConfigurationSetting setting = client.GetConfigurationSetting("some_key");
Update an existing Configuration Setting
Update an existing Configuration Setting by calling SetConfigurationSetting. This snippet assumes the setting "some_key" exists in the configuration store.
string connectionString = "<connection_string>";
var client = new ConfigurationClient(connectionString);
ConfigurationSetting setting = client.SetConfigurationSetting("some_key", "new_value");
Delete a Configuration Setting
Delete an existing Configuration Setting by calling DeleteConfigurationSetting. This snippet assumes the setting "some_key" exists in the configuration store.
string connectionString = "<connection_string>";
var client = new ConfigurationClient(connectionString);
When you interact with Azure App Configuration using the .NET SDK, errors returned by the service correspond to the same HTTP status codes returned for REST API requests.
For example, if you try to retrieve a Configuration Setting that doesn't exist in your Configuration Store, a 404
error is returned, indicating Not Found
string connectionString = "<connection_string>";
var client = new ConfigurationClient(connectionString);
ConfigurationSetting setting = client.GetConfigurationSetting("nonexistent_key");
You will notice that additional information is logged, like the Client Request ID of the operation.
Message: Azure.RequestFailedException : StatusCode: 404, ReasonPhrase: 'Not Found', Version: 1.1, Content: System.Net.Http.NoWriteNoSeekStreamContent, Headers:
Connection: keep-alive
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2019 00:16:57 GMT
Server: nginx/1.13.9
x-ms-client-request-id: cc49570c-9143-411e-a6c8-3287dd114034
x-ms-request-id: 2ad025f7-1fe8-4da0-8648-8290e774ed61
x-ms-correlation-request-id: 2ad025f7-1fe8-4da0-8648-8290e774ed61
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains;
Content-Length: 0
Next steps
More sample code
Several App Configuration client library samples are available to you in this GitHub repository. These include:
- Hello world: Create and delete a configuration setting.
- Hello world async with labels: Asynchronously create, update and delete configuration settings with labels.
- Make a configuration setting readonly: Make a configuration setting read-only, and then return it to a read-write state.
- Read revision history: Read the revision history of a configuration setting that has been changed.
- Get a setting if changed: Save bandwidth by using a conditional request to retrieve a setting only if it is different from your local copy.
- Update a setting if it hasn't changed: Prevent lost updates by using optimistic concurrency to update a setting only if your local updates were applied to the same version as the resource in the configuration store.
- Create a mock client: Mock a client for testing using the Moq library.
For more details see the samples README.
See the App Configuration for details on building, testing, and contributing to this library.
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