▼NAzure | |
▼NData | |
▼NTables | |
▼NCredentials | |
CAzureSasCredential | Azure Shared Access Signature (SAS) credential |
CNamedKeyCredential | A NamedKeyCredential is a credential backed by an account's name and one of its access keys |
▼NModels | |
CAddEntityOptions | Add Entity options |
CAddEntityResult | Add Entity result |
CAnalyticsLogging | Azure Analytics Logging settings |
CCorsRule | CORS is an HTTP feature that enables a web application running under one domain to access resources in another domain. Web browsers implement a security restriction known as same-origin policy that prevents a web page from calling APIs in a different domain; CORS provides a secure way to allow one domain (the origin domain) to call APIs in another domain |
CDeleteEntityResult | Delete Entity result |
CDeleteTableResult | Delete result |
CGeoReplication | Geo-Replication information for the Secondary Storage Service |
CGeoReplicationStatus | The status of the secondary location |
CMergeEntityOptions | Merge Entity options |
CMergeEntityResult | Merge Entity result |
CMetrics | A summary of request statistics grouped by API in hour or minute aggregates for tables |
CPreflightCheckOptions | Preflight check options |
CPreflightCheckResult | Preflight check response |
CQueryEntitiesOptions | Query Entities options |
CQueryEntitiesPagedResponse | Query Entities result |
CQueryTablesOptions | Query Tables options |
CQueryTablesPagedResponse | Query tables paged response |
CRetentionPolicy | The retention policy |
CServiceStatistics | Stats for the storage service |
CSetServicePropertiesOptions | Set Service Properties options |
CSetServicePropertiesResult | Set service properties response |
CSetTableAccessPolicyResult | Set Table Access Policy result |
CSignedIdentifier | Signed identifier |
CSubmitTransactionResult | Submit Transaction options |
CTable | Table definition struct |
CTableAccessPolicy | Table Access Policy |
CTableEntity | Table Entity |
CTableEntityDataType | Table Entity Data Type |
CTableEntityProperty | Table entity property |
CTableServiceProperties | Table Service Properties |
CTransactionError | Transaction Error |
CTransactionStep | Transaction Step |
CUpdateEntityOptions | Update Entity options |
CUpdateEntityResult | Update Entity result |
CUpsertEntityOptions | Upsert Entity options |
CUpsertEntityResult | Upsert Entity result |
▼NSas | |
CAccountSasBuilder | AccountSasBuilder is used to generate an account level Shared Access Signature (SAS) for Azure Storage services |
CTablesSasBuilder | TableSasBuilder is used to generate a Shared Access Signature (SAS) for an Azure Storage Tables |
CServiceVersion | API version for Tables service |
CTableClient | Table Client |
CTableClientOptions | Optional parameters for constructing a new TableClient |
CTablesAudience | Audiences available for Blobs |
CTableServiceClient | Table Service Client |