No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
2// Licensed under the MIT License.
9#pragma once
12#include "azure/core/dll_import_export.hpp"
16#include "azure/core/internal/contract.hpp"
19#include "azure/core/url.hpp"
21#include <algorithm>
22#include <cstdint>
23#include <functional>
24#include <map>
25#include <memory>
26#include <stdexcept>
27#include <string>
28#include <unordered_set>
29#include <vector>
31#if defined(_azure_TESTING_BUILD)
32// Define the class used from tests to validate retry enabled
33namespace Azure { namespace Core { namespace Test {
34 class TestHttp_getters_Test;
35 class TestHttp_query_parameter_Test;
36 class TestHttp_RequestStartTry_Test;
37 class TestURL_getters_Test;
38 class TestURL_query_parameter_Test;
39 class TransportAdapter_headWithStream_Test;
40 class TransportAdapter_putWithStream_Test;
41 class TransportAdapter_deleteRequestWithStream_Test;
42 class TransportAdapter_patchWithStream_Test;
43 class TransportAdapter_putWithStreamOnFail_Test;
44 class TransportAdapter_SizePutFromFile_Test;
45 class TransportAdapter_SizePutFromFileDefault_Test;
46 class TransportAdapter_SizePutFromFileBiggerPage_Test;
47}}} // namespace Azure::Core::Test
50namespace Azure { namespace Core { namespace Http {
52 /********************* Exceptions **********************/
57 public:
66 explicit TransportException(std::string const& what) : Azure::Core::RequestFailedException(what)
67 {
68 }
69 };
76 struct HttpRange final
77 {
82 int64_t Offset = 0;
89 };
94 class HttpMethod final {
95 public:
103 explicit HttpMethod(std::string value) : m_value(std::move(value)) {}
111 bool operator==(const HttpMethod& other) const { return m_value == other.m_value; }
119 bool operator!=(const HttpMethod& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
124 const std::string& ToString() const { return m_value; }
130 AZ_CORE_DLLEXPORT const static HttpMethod Get;
136 AZ_CORE_DLLEXPORT const static HttpMethod Head;
142 AZ_CORE_DLLEXPORT const static HttpMethod Post;
148 AZ_CORE_DLLEXPORT const static HttpMethod Put;
154 AZ_CORE_DLLEXPORT const static HttpMethod Delete;
160 AZ_CORE_DLLEXPORT const static HttpMethod Patch;
166 AZ_CORE_DLLEXPORT const static HttpMethod Options;
168 private:
169 std::string m_value;
170 }; // extensible enum HttpMethod
172 namespace Policies { namespace _internal {
173 class RetryPolicy;
174 }} // namespace Policies::_internal
182 class Request final {
183 friend class Azure::Core::Http::Policies::_internal::RetryPolicy;
184#if defined(_azure_TESTING_BUILD)
185 // make tests classes friends to validate set Retry
186 friend class Azure::Core::Test::TestHttp_getters_Test;
187 friend class Azure::Core::Test::TestHttp_query_parameter_Test;
188 friend class Azure::Core::Test::TestHttp_RequestStartTry_Test;
189 friend class Azure::Core::Test::TestURL_getters_Test;
190 friend class Azure::Core::Test::TestURL_query_parameter_Test;
191 // make tests classes friends to validate private Request ctor that takes both stream and bool
192 friend class Azure::Core::Test::TransportAdapter_headWithStream_Test;
193 friend class Azure::Core::Test::TransportAdapter_putWithStream_Test;
194 friend class Azure::Core::Test::TransportAdapter_deleteRequestWithStream_Test;
195 friend class Azure::Core::Test::TransportAdapter_patchWithStream_Test;
196 friend class Azure::Core::Test::TransportAdapter_putWithStreamOnFail_Test;
197 friend class Azure::Core::Test::TransportAdapter_SizePutFromFile_Test;
198 friend class Azure::Core::Test::TransportAdapter_SizePutFromFileDefault_Test;
199 friend class Azure::Core::Test::TransportAdapter_SizePutFromFileBiggerPage_Test;
202 private:
203 HttpMethod m_method;
204 Url m_url;
205 CaseInsensitiveMap m_headers;
206 CaseInsensitiveMap m_retryHeaders;
208 Azure::Core::IO::BodyStream* m_bodyStream;
210 // flag to know where to insert header
211 bool m_retryModeEnabled{false};
212 bool m_shouldBufferResponse{true};
214 // Expected to be called by a Retry policy to reset all headers set after this function was
215 // previously called
216 void StartTry();
218 public:
228 explicit Request(
229 HttpMethod httpMethod,
230 Url url,
231 Azure::Core::IO::BodyStream* bodyStream,
232 bool shouldBufferResponse)
233 : m_method(std::move(httpMethod)), m_url(std::move(url)), m_bodyStream(bodyStream),
234 m_retryModeEnabled(false), m_shouldBufferResponse(shouldBufferResponse)
235 {
236 AZURE_ASSERT_MSG(bodyStream, "The bodyStream pointer cannot be null.");
237 }
246 explicit Request(HttpMethod httpMethod, Url url, Azure::Core::IO::BodyStream* bodyStream)
247 : Request(httpMethod, std::move(url), bodyStream, true)
248 {
249 }
259 explicit Request(HttpMethod httpMethod, Url url, bool shouldBufferResponse);
267 explicit Request(HttpMethod httpMethod, Url url);
280 void SetHeader(std::string const& name, std::string const& value);
290 Azure::Nullable<std::string> GetHeader(std::string const& name);
297 void RemoveHeader(std::string const& name);
299 // Methods used by transport layer (and logger) to send request
304 HttpMethod const& GetMethod() const;
318 Azure::Core::IO::BodyStream* GetBodyStream() { return this->m_bodyStream; }
324 Azure::Core::IO::BodyStream const* GetBodyStream() const { return this->m_bodyStream; }
330 bool ShouldBufferResponse() { return this->m_shouldBufferResponse; }
336 Url& GetUrl() { return this->m_url; }
342 Url const& GetUrl() const { return this->m_url; }
343 };
345 namespace _detail {
346 struct RawResponseHelpers final
347 {
358 static void InsertHeaderWithValidation(
359 CaseInsensitiveMap& headers,
360 std::string const& headerName,
361 std::string const& headerValue);
363 static void inline SetHeader(
365 uint8_t const* const first,
366 uint8_t const* const last)
367 {
368 // get name and value from header
369 auto start = first;
370 auto end = std::find(start, last, ':');
372 if (end == last)
373 {
374 throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid header. No delimiter ':' found.");
375 }
377 // Always toLower() headers
378 auto const headerName
379 = Azure::Core::_internal::StringExtensions::ToLower(std::string(start, end));
380 start = end + 1; // start value
381 while (start < last && (*start == ' ' || *start == '\t'))
382 {
383 ++start;
384 }
386 end = std::find(start, last, '\r');
387 auto headerValue = std::string(start, end); // remove \r
389 response.SetHeader(headerName, headerValue);
390 }
391 };
392 } // namespace _detail
394 namespace _internal {
396 struct HttpShared final
397 {
398 AZ_CORE_DLLEXPORT static char const ContentType[];
399 AZ_CORE_DLLEXPORT static char const ApplicationJson[];
400 AZ_CORE_DLLEXPORT static char const Accept[];
401 AZ_CORE_DLLEXPORT static char const MsRequestId[];
402 AZ_CORE_DLLEXPORT static char const MsClientRequestId[];
404 static inline std::string GetHeaderOrEmptyString(
405 Azure::Core::CaseInsensitiveMap const& headers,
406 std::string const& headerName)
407 {
408 auto header = headers.find(headerName);
409 if (header != headers.end())
410 {
411 return header->second; // second is the header value.
412 }
413 return {}; // empty string
414 }
415 };
416 } // namespace _internal
418}}} // namespace Azure::Core::Http
#define AZURE_ASSERT_MSG(exp, msg)
Azure specific assert macro with message.
Definition azure_assert.hpp:53
BodyStream is used to read data to/from a service.
A map<string, string> with case-insensitive key comparison.
std::map< std::string, std::string, _internal::StringExtensions::CaseInsensitiveComparator > CaseInsensitiveMap
A type alias of std::map<std::string, std::string> with case-insensitive key comparison.
Definition case_insensitive_containers.hpp:24
The method to be performed on the resource identified by the Request.
Definition http.hpp:94
HttpMethod(std::string value)
Constructs HttpMethod from string.
Definition http.hpp:103
AZ_CORE_DLLEXPORT static const HttpMethod Patch
The representation of a PATCH HTTP method based on [RFC 5789] (https://datatracker....
Definition http.hpp:160
AZ_CORE_DLLEXPORT static const HttpMethod Delete
The representation of a DELETE HTTP method based on [RFC 7231] (https://datatracker....
Definition http.hpp:154
AZ_CORE_DLLEXPORT static const HttpMethod Head
The representation of a HEAD HTTP method based on [RFC 7231] (https://datatracker....
Definition http.hpp:136
const std::string & ToString() const
Returns the HttpMethod represented as a string.
Definition http.hpp:124
bool operator==(const HttpMethod &other) const
Compares two instances of HttpMethod for equality.
Definition http.hpp:111
bool operator!=(const HttpMethod &other) const
Compares two instances of HttpMethod for equality.
Definition http.hpp:119
AZ_CORE_DLLEXPORT static const HttpMethod Put
The representation of a PUT HTTP method based on [RFC 7231] (https://datatracker.ietf....
Definition http.hpp:148
AZ_CORE_DLLEXPORT static const HttpMethod Post
The representation of a POST HTTP method based on [RFC 7231] (https://datatracker....
Definition http.hpp:142
AZ_CORE_DLLEXPORT static const HttpMethod Options
The representation of an OPTIONS HTTP method based on [RFC 2616] (https://datatracker....
Definition http.hpp:166
AZ_CORE_DLLEXPORT static const HttpMethod Get
The representation of a GET HTTP method based on [RFC 7231] (https://datatracker.ietf....
Definition http.hpp:130
After receiving and interpreting a request message, a server responds with an HTTP response message.
Definition raw_response.hpp:24
void SetHeader(std::string const &name, std::string const &value)
Set an HTTP header to the Azure::Core::Http::RawResponse.
Definition raw_response.cpp:17
A request message from a client to a server.
Definition http.hpp:182
Url const & GetUrl() const
Get URL.
Definition http.hpp:342
Request(HttpMethod httpMethod, Url url, Azure::Core::IO::BodyStream *bodyStream)
Constructs a Request.
Definition http.hpp:246
Azure::Core::IO::BodyStream const * GetBodyStream() const
Get HTTP body as Azure::Core::IO::BodyStream.
Definition http.hpp:324
Url & GetUrl()
Get URL.
Definition http.hpp:336
Azure::Nullable< std::string > GetHeader(std::string const &name)
Gets a specific HTTP header from an Azure::Core::Http::Request.
Definition request.cpp:38
HttpMethod const & GetMethod() const
Get HttpMethod.
Definition request.cpp:79
CaseInsensitiveMap GetHeaders() const
Get HTTP headers.
Definition request.cpp:81
void RemoveHeader(std::string const &name)
Remove an HTTP header.
Definition request.cpp:60
bool ShouldBufferResponse()
A value indicating whether the returned raw response for this request will be buffered within a memor...
Definition http.hpp:330
Azure::Core::IO::BodyStream * GetBodyStream()
Get HTTP body as Azure::Core::IO::BodyStream.
Definition http.hpp:318
Request(HttpMethod httpMethod, Url url, Azure::Core::IO::BodyStream *bodyStream, bool shouldBufferResponse)
Construct an Azure::Core::Http::Request.
Definition http.hpp:228
void SetHeader(std::string const &name, std::string const &value)
Set an HTTP header to the Azure::Core::Http::Request.
Definition request.cpp:52
An error while sending the HTTP request with the transport adapter.
Definition http.hpp:56
TransportException(std::string const &what)
Constructs TransportException with a message string.
Definition http.hpp:66
Used to read data to/from a service.
Definition body_stream.hpp:32
An error while trying to send a request to Azure service.
Definition exception.hpp:57
Represents the location where a request will be performed.
Definition url.hpp:46
Manages an optional contained value, i.e. a value that may or may not be present.
Definition nullable.hpp:30
Define RequestFailedException. It is used by HTTP exceptions.
HTTP status code definition.
Compute the hash value for the input binary data, using SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512.
Definition azure_assert.hpp:57
Manages an optional contained value, i.e. a value that may or may not be present.
Define the HTTP raw response.
The range of bytes within an HTTP resource.
Definition http.hpp:77
Azure::Nullable< int64_t > Length
The size of the HTTP Range.
Definition http.hpp:88
int64_t Offset
The starting point of the HTTP Range.
Definition http.hpp:82
Uniform Resource Locator (URL).