Azure SDK for Embedded C
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 az_config.hConfigurable constants used by the Azure SDK
 az_context.hContext for canceling long running operations
 az_credentials.hCredentials used for authentication with many (not all) Azure SDK client libraries
 az_http.hThis header defines the types and functions your application uses to leverage HTTP request and response functionality
 az_http_transport.hUtilities to be used by HTTP transport policy implementations
 az_json.hThis header defines the types and functions your application uses to read or write JSON objects
 az_log.hThis header defines the types and functions your application uses to be notified of Azure SDK client library log messages
 az_platform.hDefines platform-specific functionality used by the Azure SDK
 az_precondition.hThis header defines the types and functions your application uses to override the default precondition failure behavior
 az_result.hDefinition of az_result and helper functions
 az_span.hAn az_span represents a contiguous byte buffer and is used for string manipulations, HTTP requests/responses, reading/writing JSON payloads, and more
 az_version.hProvides version information
 az_iot_common.hAzure IoT common definitions
 az_iot_hub_client.hDefinition for the Azure IoT Hub client
 az_iot_provisioning_client.hDefinition for the Azure Device Provisioning client
 az_storage_blobs.hDefinition for the Azure Storage Blobs client