Annotation Type DoNotRecord

  • @Retention(RUNTIME)
    public @interface DoNotRecord
    Annotation given to some tests to indicate that network calls made during the test shouldn't be recorded.

    Pass true for skipInPlayback to indicate that the test shouldn't run when tests are ran in TestMode.PLAYBACK. A common case for setting this to true is when the test has either sensitive content that cannot be redacted or calls into code that cannot be mocked.

    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      boolean skipInPlayback
      Returns whether the test will be ignored during a playback test run.
    • Element Detail

      • skipInPlayback

        boolean skipInPlayback
        Returns whether the test will be ignored during a playback test run.
        Flag indicating if the test will be ignored during a playback test run.