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com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson - package com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson
Package containing serde contract implementation for Jackson.
com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.implementation.threeten - package com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.implementation.threeten
Internal serializer implementations for using ThreeTenABP types with Jackson.
createDefault() - Static method in class com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.JacksonSerder
maintain singleton instance of the default serializer adapter.
CSV - com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.SerdeCollectionFormat
Comma separated values.


deserialize(InputStream, Type, SerdeEncoding) - Method in class com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.JacksonSerder
Deserializes a byte[] into a T object.
deserialize(String, Type, SerdeEncoding) - Method in class com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.JacksonSerder
Deserializes a string into a T object.
deserialize(Map<String, String>, Type) - Method in class com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.JacksonSerder
Deserialize the provided headers returned from a REST API to an entity instance declared as the model to hold 'Matching' headers.


fromHeaders(Map<String, String>) - Static method in enum com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.SerdeEncoding
Determines the serializer encoding to use based on the Content-Type header.


getDelimiter() - Method in enum com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.SerdeCollectionFormat
Gets the delimiter used to join a list of parameters.


HeaderCollection - Annotation Type in com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson
Annotation on a deserialized header type that indicates that the property should be treated as a header collection with the provided prefix.


JacksonSerder - Class in com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson
The type exposes APIs for serialization and deserialization using Jackson.
JacksonSerder() - Constructor for class com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.JacksonSerder
Creates a new JacksonAdapter instance with default mapper settings.
JSON - com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.SerdeEncoding
JavaScript Object Notation.
JsonFlatten - Annotation Type in com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson
Annotation used for flattening properties separated by '.'.


MULTI - com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.SerdeCollectionFormat
Corresponds to multiple parameter instances instead of multiple values for a single instance.


PIPES - com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.SerdeCollectionFormat
Pipe(|) separated values.


SerdeCollectionFormat - Enum in com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson
Swagger collection format to use for joining List parameters in paths, queries, and headers.
SerdeEncoding - Enum in com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson
Supported serialization encoding formats.
SerdeParseException - Exception in com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson
An exception thrown while parsing an invalid input during serialization or deserialization.
SerdeParseException(String) - Constructor for exception com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.SerdeParseException
Create a MalformedValueException instance.
SerdeParseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.SerdeParseException
Create a MalformedValueException instance.
serialize(Object, SerdeEncoding) - Method in class com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.JacksonSerder
Serializes an object into a string.
serialize(Object, SerdeEncoding, OutputStream) - Method in class com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.JacksonSerder
Serializes an object and writes its output into an OutputStream.
serializeList(List<?>, SerdeCollectionFormat) - Method in class com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.JacksonSerder
Serializes a list into a string with the delimiter specified with the Swagger collection format joining each individual serialized items in the list.
serializeRaw(Object) - Method in class com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.JacksonSerder
Serializes an object into a raw string.
setupModule(Module.SetupContext) - Method in class com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.implementation.threeten.ThreeTenModule
SSV - com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.SerdeCollectionFormat
Space separated values.


ThreeTenModule - Class in com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.implementation.threeten
Class that registers capability of serializing org.threeten.bp objects with the Jackson core.
ThreeTenModule() - Constructor for class com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.implementation.threeten.ThreeTenModule
TSV - com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.SerdeCollectionFormat
Tab separated values.


value() - Method in annotation type com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.HeaderCollection
The header collection prefix.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.SerdeCollectionFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.SerdeEncoding
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.SerdeCollectionFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.SerdeEncoding
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


XML - com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.SerdeEncoding
Extensible Markup Language.


_findFactory(AnnotatedClass, String, Class<?>...) - Method in class com.azure.android.core.serde.jackson.implementation.threeten.ThreeTenModule
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